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A Visit to the Lake Erie Terns '2;

Walked away. and the disappointed youngster ran back under the log. Again she advanced and a second bird ran out. also to be refused Then she arose and joined the noisy Hock above. Presently she or another came back and repeated the performance. From the testimony of the other watchers, this scene was enacted again and again in difierent parts of the island. Did the mother change her mind at the last moment. and decide that it was unsafe to bring her little ones into the open and feed them in the time of disturbance. or did she find that they were not her own? In the latter case. the little ones. who plainly expected to be fed. are less dis- criminating than the parents. or perhaps they merely recognized the food. I did not see any birds actually fed, though a great many old Terns walk- ing about with laden beaks Were visible from my hiding place. and in many cases they seemed to dispDSe of their prey before taking flighti


The photographer. however. was more fortunate. On his end of the island there was very little cover. and half a dozen chicks were caught in the open and remained in plain view. To these the old birds came with food. and after many false starts and many retreats. they succeeded in find- ing the tight chicks. disposed of their burdens and flew awai'i to indicate that the bird under my observation was unable to find her own young. as timidity would have had more effect in the open than in the more sheltered position. One case related by the photographer was very comical. A mother hunting for her little chick invariably went too close to a full-grown ‘squab.' (When just hatched thei' resemble \‘oung chickens. but at this stage they are much like young pigeons.) This greedy fellow made a dive for the minnow and succeeded in catching hold of it. The old bird tried to riSe and carry it out of reach. but the squab had firm hold and after much flapping and struggling she yielded and went away for

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