Mar late
July >August. 1904
GENERAL ARTICLES "an FRI-mlsvlm'l:—\'ELI.0\\-I’IAR0AIEII, Muss. mu Buucu-nmoumn nun \nnnmzs , I I eri: Agasnz Fumexu Rmm \‘m- s. .muxa AND ML: . lllusnnlud hylhemllhor. . .I-wum» H. Hutrick
- eru «. HAIIITS m: 1m; \an. nu“ Punumw m Cowman Illnslrmed by Ike .thor V . Evan Lmu.
L‘HmNEvS-“IF‘L lllu ranou . . . . . , . . . . , I . V V I .R‘ H. Bane. A \‘Isur ro nu. LAKb .RIE Tmst. [Ilushmed by . V . . . . . . K’u/lml l- G _ g1, \\‘ouo VFWEK 0N Nr,\'r. [Huslmlloll . . . L. 3‘ Hum".
'I‘Iu-. magnum m: “Inuit-.513. an Paper. lllu~lmled h) Lam: Agassi: Fun-m um! R: m- "mu/III! . IV. I (nuke
NnTls «m 1st I mum: ul‘ LA\\Rr.\<' s \NARIILER . I . . [mar Evhlmsn
A swam-o SI‘RE cI 0\\'l., [min-Ila \II-L‘ Lulu/mu; Gmnuucn m Tum- Cpuumw. '11.]. Him! hum. .\ R}- 7E\‘ ‘ x \‘nm sIumm C. Pule Mm“. nuns m Ju Hun; Hum; A 'I‘mm mu Cum”; Adm-nu Il'lllmmxarl: 'l'wo \ mks Fox
AV (Hum :\ 1‘ I-muA T All/vi
Aunkn‘AN NUI' H «mm '; ‘ Ion“ mmucm Hmns' Fr x'; (m: mun-noun:qu humus», Hm». AEws,
AUDUBON DEPARTMENT . . r I . . . . . . BIRD Puovacnm Asmuu. XV—jAl‘A. 'I‘ N I'ulum; NAIIuNAL Commmr. Non '
EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET No. In, lHIIMIuk‘IIhy Luluslydsu: l-m ex. . H'illmmDn/rlwr.
.5 Mums-"N: ("Mum [in pubhmtm hug/ex. «In, in. mum. and :rc/mnge: J/Iukld b: mm In; 11w 5.1.1.” In Erurlnvuml. New jn
min-Lox! I: punusnea for the Audubon SncIetIes on the first of every other month b lhe Alumina" Cu.. at Cresccnl and Mulberry streets, Harrisburg. Pa” where all nulices or change of ad.
(llcss, cur. should he senl.
Subscribers Whose subscription expire: with the [flaunt issue \viH find a proRerly dlled mammal Mank in men magnum. In In: :vcnl of a desxre nm to renew. Ihe pnhlu as would )(renIly npprecime a posml In I|ml eflecI.
1T1!) onbscrlhen whose snhscripdon expired with the issue for Dtcsmher. I90]. and who hive as yet Henna rcnzwed men ~ hscrlpuon Imr. |I| rcsvonse m our request E ‘Ill us a none: In dklcon- lilluc Ilmr "ML: zinc. Ihe n m uumhrr is Sam in me helm! mu: me muuer of renewal has been overlooked. w: mm II w.” now receive promm allemiou -
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Every number at 'aird-Lnre' is as rn Ihle Illl'l "In-bl: today u when it wn lulefl. Ind no nlrd lover who Is no: “relay Inn led on mm A bane: Investment thin hack v0 nmeu of this mug-zine. Vols. I, III. IV Ind V nre offered I! the Inblcrannn price at SI nah. pony-Id: the price M VIII. I! I: :1.
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