< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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lndex vii

Ohio. 30. I22.

Old Squaw. 8. 9. II. I6.

Ontario. 8.

Oriole. Baltimore. I4. 98. I34; Orchartl.9x.

Our Animal Friends. mentioned. I37.

Ovenbird. I4. 98.

Owl. Barred. I6; Dusky Horned. I7: Elf. tot; Great Horned. I5. I6. I7; Long- eared. figured. IS; Screech. I3. I5. I33. I78: figured. I77: SlIorI-eared. I7. 2I8: figured. 2I7: Snowy. Io.

Pam uet. Carolina. I03.

Partridge. Scaled. I4.

Pearson. Prof.T. Gilbert. mentioned. 2:0.

Pennsylvania. I33.

Pewee. Wood. I68; figured. I29.

Phalarope. Wilson's. I.

Pheasant. It; Mongolian. 9.

Phoebe. I4. 98; Black. I7. 68; Say's. I7. 68.

Pipit. American. I7. I68.

Ptarmigan. Whitedailed. II7: figured. IIX. II9. I20.

Rail. Sora. I63; Virginia. figured. 5;.

Raven. American. I7,

Redpoll. 8. In. II. I6. I7: Greater. 8. to.

Redatart. Amerit‘an. 98.

Red-tail. Western. I7.

Red wing. San Diego. I7.

Reed's “North American Birds‘ Eggs.‘ re- viewed. I35.

Richards' and Cunnnings' ‘Baby Path- finder to the Birds.‘ reviewed. I00. I70,

Robin. American. 9. ID. II. I2. I3, I4. 52. 98. 204. :05: Western. I5. I7.

Sandpiper. Solitary. figured. I48; Spotted. 204; figured. 96.

Sapsucker. Yellowvhellietl. II.

Scoter. American. 9.

Scoter. White-winged. x.

Scott’s ‘Reports of the Princeton Universin Expedition to Patagonia. I896—I599.‘ Vol. II. Ornithology. Part I. reviewed. I69; 'The inheritance of Song in Pas- serine Birds.” reviewed. I7I.

Seton's "I‘wo Little Savages.‘ reviewed. 30.

Shrike. I5: California. I7: Loggerhead. I4. I5; Northern. 9. II. I2. I3: White- rumped. I4. I7.

Shoveler. II.

Silloway’s 'The Birds of Fergu~ County. Montana.’ reviewed. 30.

Sisltin. Pine. In. 98.

Skylark. European. 2u4.

Snipe. Wilson. I4.

Snodgtass and Heller's ‘Papers. from the Hopkins-Stanford Galapagns Expedi- tion. I898—I899. XVI. Birds." reviewed. I69.

Snowflake. II. I6.

Sparrow. Aleutian Song. I65: figured. I64; Black-throated. l4: Chipping. 25. 98.

.5. lb.

2134; Desert Song. I65: figured. I64; English. I5. 26. 204; Field. I3. I4. 98; Fox. 9. I0. I3. I4. I54; Gambel's White—crowned. I4. I7; Golden- crowned. I7; Grasshopper. 98. 204; Lincoln‘s. 98. I67; Merrill Song. I7; Mexican Song. I65; figured. I64; Mountain Song. I4: Samuel's Song. I7; Sooty Song. I65; figured. I64: Song. 8. 9. I0. II. I2. I3. I4. I5. I6. I7. 98. I53. I64. 204; figured. I64: Swamp. to; Tree.8.9. Iu. ll. I2. I3. I4. I5. 16. I7. I33. I53: Vesper. I4. 98. 204; Western Vesper. I4; Vl’hite» Crowned. I4. I68; White-tlirnaterl. 8. 9.I2.13.I4.25.I54.

Starling. 12. 234.

Stone. \Vitmer. mentioned. zlo.

Swallow. Earn. 68. 98. 204; Cliff, 67. 98; Rough-winged. 98. I58; Tree. 93; figured. 94.

Swarth’s ‘Birtls ol the HuachIIL-a Mnun» rains. Arizona.‘ reviewed. I69.

Swift. Chimney. 98. 204; figured. IzI.

Tanager. Scarlet. 98.

Teal. Blue-winged. i, i4; Green-winged. I4.

Tern, Black. I ; figured. 2. 3. 4. 5; Com» mon,122; figured. I25; Least. I4I. Thrasher. Brown. .3. i4. 25. 98. .38; fig-

ured. 190.

Thrush. Dwarf Hermit. I7: Gray-cheeked. 98. I68; Hermit. 9. I2. I3. r53: Olive-hacked. 98; Varied. I7: Wil— son‘s. 92; Wood. 98.

Titmouse. Black-crested. I4; Plain. I7: Tufted. I2. I3. I4. I5. I0. I68. 205.

Todd's ‘The Birds of Erie and Presque Isle. Erie County. Pennsylvania.‘ re- viewed. 169.

Tawhee. II. I3. I4. 25. 98: Californian. I7; Spurred. I7.

Trees. Protection of. 73.

Vermont. 8. 8|. I67. ‘

Vireo. Red-eyed. 98. II3. I33. I68: hg- ured. II4. Its; \\'arhling.98; White- eyed. 98. 99; Yellow-throated. 98.

Vulture. Black. I4: Turkey. I]. I4. I5. I94.

“’arbler. Audubon's. I4. I7; Bay-breasted. 98. I62. I68: figured. facing I47; Black and White. 98: Blackburnian. 98; Black-throated Blue. 98; Black lhrnated Gray. 130: figured. facing II;: Black-throated Green. 57. 98: figured. facing 38: Blue-winged. qt. 98. I38; figured. facing SI; Book. The. mentioned. 6|; Bren-s- ter's. figured. facing 8r; Canadian. 59. 9S: figured. iacing4t: Cape May. 98; Chestnut—sided. 98. 163: figured. facing I47; Golden-checked. 58: fig-

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