< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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@132 flunubon boasting

" You cannot with n unmet/ind thepnel'r mitt. Nor yet Ute wild bird': tong."


Communications relating to the work 0! the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should

'be addressed to Mrs. Wright, 3! Fairfield, Conn.

Reports. etc.. designed for this department should he

sent at least one month prior to the date or publication.


With turtles and nddrelsc: cl their SCCI’CLII’iEI

‘Clliiomin. Color-do Connecticut Dellwnre. Dinrict 0! Columbia Florid- Gearzias Illinois Indienn. Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine eryllnd Ilnssaehuuetl Michizan. Minnetnte Miuaun . Nehrnshn New Hnmnohire. New Jeney New York North Cami E. North Dakota.

Oregon . Penn-yivnnin Rhode Isl-mi South Carol-nu. Tenne ce

Vlrliflll Wiucomin Wyomintt

Upon the Necessity of Accuracy

Not content tvitll a field of action sobroad that ' would seem sufficient for even the ambition of his Satanic majesty-the Father of Lies has. of late years been invading the realms of nature. and. clad in seductive and apparently harmless garb. outretl, alack! fatal temptation to walkers in tile wood

paths. tt-ho.eitlter for love of metttal adven- ture or pushed by the spirit of greed. have sometimes ohli Iotlsly. hut in many cases


WE .Mtss JEsSIE E KIAIIMLL. care Boston Society of Natural History. Bastan.

JEF ERsoN BUTLEK,5uite 79, Home Bank BuildingDetroiL .Mlss JESSIE VVHITMAN. 2356 Bayless 2‘ 5T REESE, 25.5 North Founeenlh street. 5t. LoIIiI.

. ,A.\\.AN'1:t'4'oi\'\'lPre. Mns. EDWARD Rooms, rte South Twenty-first street. Philadelph MRS. H

W. SCOTT \VAV, Pasadena. .‘Mtts. MARTHA A, SHUTE. Denver. r WILLIAM BROWN vakl. F Irfield.

Mits. vita. s, HILLBS. Delnntore Pllne, Wilm ttgtntt. MR5. JOHN DBWHURST runs", 22!: R street. Washington.

MR5. LVANDKRPOOL. Maitillfll. tornssot H. N. STARNEs. or Experiment.

MIss MARY DRUMMOND. 205 West street. Whuton. H Hones-ct: A. H0\\'E Hill de Ate. lndinrnpolis.

__luns. w. F. PARKOTT. Waterloo. MISS JULIET 0, ALva. Henderson. “1632 Peters are, New Orleans. , Mits. c. B. Tums. Fairneld. w IT. er. 7I5 St. Paul street. Baltimore.

St. Paul.

,Mtss Jar HIGGINS. 544 South 30th street. Omaha. ’ . MRS. F. W, BATCHELDEK. Mlnchatu.

MISS JULIA SCRIHNER. 5m E. Front street. Pininfield. Ni]. . LOCKWOOD. 1.3 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City.

T. GILBERT PEARSON, Greensboro. _MRS. C. M CODLEV, Grand Forks.

MRS. D. Z. MCCLELLAND, 82:: West Ninth street. Cincinnlti.

Mtzs. Anew HoLcoME. Enld. ). goo Thurman street, Portland.

.GRAN .ts7 Bowen street,l>rovideuce. vuss s. A. 5mm. Legare street. Charleston. _,MRS. c, c. Conn-e. Ripley. Miss HOPE TERHthB. La runs. . FLETCHEK lc, Bakxuws. Brnltleboro.

,.Mtt. E. c, Hot-rm. Falls Church.

MRS. RRUEEN G. TNWAITKS. 260 Langdon street, Mndison.

,hl its. CORDELIA c» t\‘INGr0N. Cheyenne.

deliberately. perverted trttth and brought not only the contempt of the honest upon themselves, but. worse yet. have caused much ridicule to he cast upon the entire class of writers who are papillarizing natural history and the life out»of~doots.

To do this today. when the stress of life makes the contemplation of the world of nature a necessary counterbalance. is not only foolish but a crime. indeed. becluse it destroys values and puts a false standard before the eyes of the very children that it


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