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Index v

Thomson, Harriet W.. Christmas Census. 16.

Tralmn. Gilbert H.. Christmas Census. 12.

Turner. Orren W.. Notes on Winter Birds.


Van Deusen. C. 5. See Packard. W. H.

Van Name. Williard G.. Public Senti ent antl Bird Protection. 76.

Vredenburgh. Abbie. Purple Martins in Illinois. 99.


Allen's I'I‘ht: Birds of New Hampshire.’ reviewed. 169. Audubon Calendar. The. mentioned. :08.

Audubon Societies, Directory of State. 21!. Audubon Societies. Reports oi. 176. 212. 214.

A11lt.The. reviewed. 70. 101. 171. 207.

Baldpate. 1+.

Bartsch's ‘ Notes on the Herons of the Dis- trict of Columbia.‘ reviewed, 170.

Bird Boxes. 66. 172.

Bird Census. BIRD-Luke's Christmas. mentioned. 20:; summary of. 203. Bird Life. A Station for the Study vi.


BIRD-LORE. Prospectus for 1905. 210.

Bird Protection. 33. 7+. 76. 140. 175. 174: abroad. 56. 99. I05. 139.

Birds. How to Study. 131; The Lodging antl Feeding of. 211.

Bittern. American. 17; Least. 168.

Blackbird. Bicolored. 17: Brewer. 17; European. 191; Red—winged. 10. 1;. 14. 16. 17. 98. 15+; Rusty. 15+.

Bluebird. IO. 11. 12. 15.14. 16. +1: tig— ured. +2. 43. 44. 45. 98; Chestnut- baclted. 15: Western. 17.

Bobolink. 98.

Bah-white. 9. 11. 13. 16. 25 97: Florida. 189.

Brunet. Walcott and Swenk's ‘ A Prelimi- nary Review of the Birds of Nebraska.’ reviewed. 207.

Bryan's ‘A Monograph of Marcus lsland.‘ reviewed. 169.

Hume-head. 9.

Bulletin of the Michigan Ornithological Club. reviewed. 71. 102. 137.

Bunting. Lark. 14; Painted. 183: Reed. 19:.

Burroughs‘ ‘The Literary Treatment of Nature.‘ mentioned. 172.

Bush-tit. California. 17.

Buzzard. Turkey. 13. 1+. 15. 194.

‘ By the Wayside.‘ mentioned. 99.

Warren, E. R.. Horned Larks in Colorado Springs. COL. 6.

Way. W. Scott. Secretary. Report of. 21.1.

Williamson. Addison. A Thieving Chehec. '34

Wilson. Burtis H.. Christmas Census. 15.

Wright. Albert H. See Archer. john.

Wright. Horace W.. Christmas Census. 9.

Wright. M. 0.. Editorials by. 33. 73. 10+. 173. 211.


Canada. 50.

Cardinal. 12. 1;. 1+. 15. 16. 205; Florida. 185. 186. 187: figured. 186; Gray-

' d. 14.

Cassi ia. rev1ewed. 69.


Cedarbird. 11. 1+. 16. 98. 205.

Census. Christmas Bird. 8.

Chalfineh. 191.

Chat. Long-tailed. 2;; Yellow-breasted. 23. 98: figured. lacing 1.

Chickadee. Black»capped. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.14.15. 16.17. 98. 15+; Carolina. 13. 1+. 15; Mountain. 17: Oregon. 17.

Circulating Collections. Report of. 201.

Climatic Variation in Song Sparrows. 16.}.

Colorado. 6. 117.

Condor, The. reviewed. 31. 70. 101. 136. 207.

Cook's ‘Some New Facts about the Migra- tion of Birds.‘ reviewed. 206.

Coues‘ ‘Key to North American Birds.‘ reviewed. 27.

Council. Bum-Lou's Advisory. 19.

Cowbird. 98. 99.

Creeper. Brown. 8. 9. 1o. 11. 12. 13.15. 16. 17; Rocky Mountain. 14.

Crossbill. American. 9. 98. 154: White- winged. 9. 98

Crow. American. 8.9.10. 11. 12. 13. 1.1. 15.16. 17. 98. 155: figured. 56. 157; Fish. 13. 98. 167.

Cuckoo. Black-billed. 97: Yellow-billed.

97‘ , Curlew. Long-bdled. 11.x.

Dawson's ‘ Birds of Ohio.‘ reviewed. 69.

Destruction of Birds. 138.

District of Columbia. 212.

Dove. Ground. 14; Mourning. 1+. 16. 97. 168.

Dresser's ‘The Eggs of the Birds of Eu- rope.‘ mentioned. 171.

Duck. 12. 14. 15. 17: Black. 9. 1o. 11: Scaup. 9. 11. 13: Wood. 52.

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