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A Tame Rufi‘ed Grouse 85

one hundred rods away is an extensive forest where the bird could range for miles. yet she apparently chooses to limit her range to a few acresr A much-traveled highway passes within ten rods; indeed. the woods border the highway for some distance The bird is frequently seen by travelers. In fact, on one occasion, she was picked up by two ladies passing in a carriage and was taken to a neighboring farmhouse human beings may some day lead to her death To guard against this, however, Mr. Rand has conspicuously posted her haunts. and his wishes were respected by the sportsmen. ior she lived through the open hunting season, being last seen on December rot

Now. the question naturally arises. why is this bird so tame ? She ap~ pears to be a normal. wellvdeveloped bird. bright and active in every way. Aside from her tameness, there is nothing in het appearance or actions that differs, so far as we could observe. from other individuals of her species. Why, then. did this particular Grouse forsake her fellows and the heredi— tary tendencies of countless generations of wild birds. to place herself on such intimate terms with man .7

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