< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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lithe Qubuhon batteries

You tritium: n/llll a :rnlpelflnd the poet's soul. No! yet/)1! mid omt'r song."


Cummunlcauuus relating to the vault 0! the Audubon and other Bird Prmet. \‘e Societies Should

be addressed [0 .\lrs. \Vrighl rlield, Colin.

Reports. I:Ic.. designed tor this tleparImenl should no

lent at least one month prior In Ill: rlate or publication,


With name: and Iddreuel ol their Secretaries

Cllilomia Colondo Connect'cut Dlhwue Dlltrlcl cl Columbia

Kentucky Louisian- Maine Maryland . lm-ehuum “Inna-nt- Min-oan Nebmka New H-mnl ire. New Jersey, New York North Carolina. Ohio... Olllhama orelen Pennlylvln lharle I-Iutd lauth Catalina. Tanneme Vermont Virllnin Whoon n . Wynn-me,

A Word to the Wise Concerning Trees, Etc.

In many ol the various reform movements it is not always a question of what to do. but what to let alone. In our efiorts to give the native birds all the legal prolcction possible we must remember that we can in no way coerce Ihe birds themselves to remain in given localities. if we by our zeal for so—

alled agricultural thrift and village im»

provement render those places unsuitable for bird residence.

The farming population in general has always had a fatal habit of going out in the

.Mlss MARY DRUMMOND. 20* West streel. Wheaten

ILS ANI‘rA l‘kixtz, I44“ Arnhclla

MISS ANNE WESTOK WHITNF .Mtss HARRIET E. Rlctulms. care Boston Society of Natural History, notion. MISS 5m" L. Pom”. 229 an. are . s. .AI‘GUST REESE. rsto North FouneenIh Street. St. Louis.

, ...MISS JULIA SCRIBNER.5I0 .Mlss Emu ii. Locxwoou. :43 West Seveltl .tirtlt slreel. New York Clly.

.Mlss seasons lus'rcs ‘- , RS. unwaxn Rooms. In South TwetlIy-firsI street. Philadelphi .

Mk5. (instinct: s. (in. Rcdlauds. (its. Muth A sum Denver. MRS. WILLlAM BROWN ( out}, Fairfteld.

MR5. WM. 5. HILLES. Delnmore Place. Wilmington. onn DEWHURST Forms am it street. Washington.

Vasnsnpoot. Msitinnd. rattsrts. nl Exllcriluem.

.\v. w. \NOOLEN. llidianapol . Mus, L. E. FE Y. Keokuk. IET O. .\I \ES. Henderson. New Orleans MRS. c. B. Tulrl n. Fairr'leld 7I5 St. Paul street. Baltimore.


Miss JOY HIGGINS. 54450th 30"! street, Omaha. . . . . s s ,, MR5. F. W. BATCHELDER. Matlchtster. Front sIreel. Plaiufield, N J,

GILIUCRT Pl-zusos. Greensboro.

_ MR5. D. Z. MCCLELLAND. he West Ninth street, Cincinnati.

‘ths. ADHLM HOLCOMH. Enid. F.. 634 Williams are. l’otllan

MARTHA R. Cunt: so Rrown slrucl. Providence. _MISS s. A. SMVTH. Legarz street. Charleston. .Mtts. c. c. CONNBII. Ripley. rcllsk K BARRON Bratllebom. NR5. i. c. PLA r, Glencarlyn. 260 Lauxdt‘m street. Madison. .Mtts. N. R. om» Chet'enne

between seasons of sowing :ntl reaping and doing tlireful things in lanes and along field edges with stub scythe anti bush-hook. two instruments that. to my mintl. should he proscribed by law: hilt lalely a new element has entered the held.7the amateur who buys up the old farm. in a sightly location. fora summer home, and this class is now legion.

This biped usually has some sense of the picturesque. and yet the first thing he does is to hire a stupid Slav to "clean up" the underbrush while he is formulating his plans. Now take it the year round, under. brush. i.e.. briers, bushes of all sum. from the spreading juniper growing beneath the


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