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34 Bird - Lore

Ira/1mm in Ihe snnmp." Seven sets wrre cullct'letl, nppflrctltly including on: ur tno stk‘ulttl loving and t-tnnprising in all twenh’reiglll eggsinut a large series, it is true. but etidently representing all the eggs Why it was necessary to

takt: cverysct in the swamp, when collecting

nl the calmly.

ostensibly lur scientific purposes is not ex- plained; htlt surh destructive methods of rnllet-xing could nartllr be justified any more titan the work of the plume-hunter gather» ing skins for market.

A brief editorial announces the sad news of the death of Chester Barlow on Novem— In Barlow‘s death "I‘he Con- dur' has lost its editor and guiding spirit; and the Cooper Ornithological Cluh an energetic secretary anti enthusiastic mem- The California was unique and is well described in the brief statement, “Barlow has done more to spread an interest in ornithology and to stimulate bird study on the west coast than any one man. living or dud.”— . S. F.

hcr 6.1902,

her. influence which he exerted in

'l'Hl- ()sl'ltr.\'.—I‘|te july issue al "I'he Osprc) ' appenl'crl ahmlt December .5, and contained. besides the t-nntinuetl article by Doctor Gill on the ‘Gctleral History of Birds.’ 'Notes on Birds oi the Prihilof Islantls,’ hv Dr. D, W. Prentiss. Jr; ‘ r\ Study of the Genus Pl'uwrmr, ‘ Iry Ru IL Ilowe, Jr Result-m near Washingzton.‘ by w. R. Maxnn, There also is a heginning or an obituary notit'r of Dr. James G. Cooper, by Dr. Vl'illiatn ll. Dall

Doctor l’rcnt, ‘Birds of the Fur Seal Islands,’ presents some very interesting matter rclatit'e to the hahits, abundance and local tli rihution of the birds of that far-0H group of islandu.

three other papers, as follows:

and ‘ The Celulcan Warbler a Summer

, in Its notes on the

The observations on the twenty-live species during a months’ visit in the summer of 1895. By a slip ut the pen. the name of the Common Puthn, arllir/I. is substituted for that of the Horned Puffin, rurnimlnln. case, the scientific name of a Gull isconpled with the common name of anotherI so that

enumerated were made two

In another

it is not clear whetlierthe notes are intended to rt-ler to the (;lzlllt'0||svWin ed Gull or the Point Barrow Gull, winch latter species not uncommon about the islands in 1899.

'- study oi the genus Prr-r'rrrrnr, Mr, Howe states that the type of Pprm-ireur a. grirrur was hunt the ‘British Columbia


region.‘ apparently being unaware that it really came from the eastern slopes of the Cascades nt Washingtnn, where it was secured by the reviewer in the summer at 1897. Thiserror in placing the type local— ity may account for his remarkable state» lnent that it is impossible. as a rule, to separate specimens at griwur from Nova Scotia examples. As a matter of fact. it is doubtful it any forms among the American representatives of the genus show greater differences than lites: two. which he claims he is unable to separate.7A. K. F.

Book News

We have received a communication from

Mc Dana Estes 5! Cir, publishers of Ctmes' ‘Key,’ from which we quote as fallen-y

Hum Dana Estes s: an. announce

that the filth revised edition of the ‘ Key [0 North American Birds,’ by Dr. Elliott Coues, will be ready in the spring of r903. The reason for the unusual delay in its pnhlicatinn may be briefly stated. When Dr. Ctltles died. in rxgg, he left the manur script wholly finished; but the copy was rendered hard to decipher, without the exer- cise at most intelligent care. by reason of innumerable interlineations, erasures. ab» ‘riders.' and detached notes, written in a minute and sometimes difficult handwritingr His sudden death left the copy in such shape that the task of rev ion and preparation for the press required double the amount of work that had been anticipated. The publishers, however. have had the good fortune to obtain the serviccsof a thoroughly equipped ornitholo- gist. who has read the proof with the most painstaking care. which has been ably sup— plemented by the efiorts of a number of professional proof-readers."


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