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The Christmas Bird Census r9

Mount Carmel, [IL—December 22, ll A. M. to 11.30 A. M. Fair from 3 until 9. from 9 until r2 rather heavy rain, very muddy; wind. light, southwest; temp., 40°. Canada Goose. 60; Killdeer, 6; Mourning Dave, 5 ; Sparrow Hawk, r; Hairy Wood- pecker, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 5; Red-bellied Woodpecker, 6; Flicker, :3; Blue jay, 9; Crow,15; Meadowlark, 60; American Goldfinch, 7; Tree Sparrow, 50: Junco, 150; Song Sparrow, 2;; Cardinal, :2; Carolina Wren, 3; Bewick‘s Wren. 2 : \Vhite-hreasted Nuthatth, 4; Tufted Titmouse. 20; Chickadee, tu: Bluebird. 7. Total. 22 species, 472 individuals, Meadowlarks, Bewick's Wren and one Song Sparrow were singing; CHAS. F. BRENN \l.

Peoria. 111. inch of snow on the ground; wind. northwest, rety strung; tetnp., +”, Rough-legged Hawk, 1: Hairy Woodpecker. I; Downy Woodpecker. 4: Prairie Horned Lark, I (heard): Crow, 7; Blue jay, 5; Junco and Tree Sparrow lthree flocks, about equally dividedi, about 125; Cardilnl. 3; Brown Crecpcr, 2: Chickadee, 9; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2, Total, 12 species, I60 iittlividuals.—\V. H. PACKARD and C. S. VANoEL‘sEN.

Rock Island, lll.—'I‘inie, [1.4.0 A. .\l. to :2 tll. Sky mostly clear, a few flcet‘y clouds; about one inch of snow; strong northwest wind; temp..~r°. Downy Woodpecker. 2; Chickadee. 4. Total, 2 species, 6 individuals —-BL'lles H. VVILSUN.

Delaware, Ohio—Time. 2 to 3.4; l’. u. Snowy. ground covered: wind, northwest. high; temp.. 20°. Bob-white, 12: Mourning Dove. 2; Downy Woodpecker, t; Blue Jay, a; Junco, 20; Trcc Sparrow. 2; Song Sparrow. 3; Cardinal. 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 4; Tufted Titmouse, 2: Chickadee. 6. Total. ll species. (,3 indhiduaisri IDA NE\’\'ELL.

I‘ime, ro A. M, to 2 P. .\l. Clear, with occasional snow flurries, one

Cadiz, Ohio.7'rime. “.20 A. .\l. m 4.10 V. .\t. Cloudy; two and irnerhalf inches of snow; wind, west moderately strung; snnw Harries; temp,. if. Bnl)4\'hite, 24; Mourning Dove, 7; ooper's Hawk, r; lIuiry \Voodpet‘ker. ri; Downy Woodpecker, 9; Red—headed Woodpecker, l7: Red-Bellied \Vtmdpet‘ker. 4; Flicker. r: Blue jay, r; Goldfinch. i3; 'l‘rce Sparrow, r25: junco. 40; Song Sparrow, io; Cardinal, 9; Cam- lina Wren. 3; \Vhite-hreasted Nuthatch, 1+; Tuitetl 'l‘innouse. 33: (Illit'kadee, zo; Bluebird, 6. Total, 19 sprt‘its. almut 35+ lndi\'ili|la|~‘,—H.—\RR\' B. h‘lt'(11r.\.\‘r;r.r..

Oberlin, Ohi i'l‘ime, to to I2 A, .\l. Snowing and drifting. three inches of snow; wind, strong. West h

south: place. streets of ()herlin. Arlntretnm and Cemetery; temp., is“ to 20“. Sharp-sunned Hawk. .; Northern Flicker, ,; Blue Jay, 3; Tree Sparrow, 4; Slate-colored Junco. i; Song Sparrow. a; 'l‘owhee. i ; Cardinal, 3; VVllite-lncasted Nuthatch, i. Total, 9 species, 22 individualsillxlls )mrs.

Creston. Ohio.~’l‘ime, 9 A. .\l. to l P. .\l. Cloudy: “ind, west and strong, with fine sleet and snow: temp., 2o”. Mourning Dove, 6; Hairy Woodpecker. 2; Downy Woodpecker, 5; Redrhellied \Vomlpecker. 2 American Goldfinch. 2; Tree Sparrow, 7: Slatc»<'oloretl juncn. 2: Song Sparrow, 4: Cardinal. 8: Carolina Wren, l: White- breastetl Nuthatch, 6: Tufted Titnlouse. 12: Chickadee. 7. Total. 13 species, 64. individualsiRus‘l'. L. B-mtn.

Waterford, Oakland 00.. Mich.7Time, 2 l’. .\l. to 5,30 l'. .\l. Four inches 01 snow on ground; northwest wind; very cold. Ruttcd Grouse. i; Marsh Hawk. i; Barred Owl. i; Saw~whet Owl (P). r ; Hairy VVuodpL-ckcr. 2: Downy Woodpecker, 4; Prairie Horned Lark, 12; Blue Jay, 2: American Crow (lteai-di. r; American Goldfinch, 40: Tree Sparrow, 9; Brown Creeper, 3; \Vhite-lneasted Nuthatch, r; Chickadee. 5; Golden-crowned Kinglet. 20. Total, t5 species. rot individuals.#r\l.exasnek W. Bum. )R.

Port Sanilac, Mich.—Deremlter 28. 12 M. to 2 P. M. Cloudy ; ground covered with snow; wind, southwest. moderate; icmp., 3+“. Mallard, 25: Shore Lark, about 50; Crow, 2; Juncn, a; Tree Sparrow. 2: American Goldfinch. 7; Snowflake, about 150. Total, 7 species, 240 individualsiHARRIEI' W. Thomas.

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