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t8 Bird-Lore

Glenside. PaiTime. 9.x; to it A. .\t. Overcast. new snow on ground; slight north wind; temp., 32°. Red-shouldered Hawk. r: Sparrow Hawk. r; Long—cared Owl. r; Dowrw Woodpecker, 2; Crow. 30: Goldfinch, r; Tree Sparrow. 25; Junco.zo; Song Sparrow, 2: Cardinal Grosbeak. 2; Brown Creeper. l; Golden—crested Kingiet, 3. Total. t2 slwt‘ics. Sr) individuals. Time. 2.30 to .t P. .\L Spitting snow. moderate west wind: texnp.. 33° to 2; . (a different ground l. Red-tailed Han-k. t; Sparrow Hawk. 1; Danny \\’ourlprtker. 5: Crew. 2: jurrm. 7;; Song Sparrow. 3; English Sparrow. 1.}. Total. 7 species. 101 individuals. Tml for the day. .4 species. 190 individuals.— SAMUEL H. BARKER.

Overbrook. Pa. 'I'imr. x ,-\. .\I. ll) “.30 n. .\t. Sky a uniform gray and a fine snow falling. afterwards clearing. Iiut partly cloudy: about two int-hes of snow on the ground: uiud. northwesterl)‘. light: mnp.. 3r°. Rublailcd Hawk. 2; Downy Wond~ pecker. (r: Flicker. 9: (Iron. 1to: \\'|titert|irnated Sparrow. 6: Tree Sparrow, 24; junt‘o. :2: Sang Sparrow, z : Cardinal. l : Winn-r Wrru. 2: \Vhite—Iircasted Nuthatch. .\. 'l‘ulal. r. spouts ms individuals.7('llKEs\\Eu, l. llt'\T.

Merlin. Pai me, 7.40 .\. M. to “.50 .\. M. Cloudy. zmuntl snow-covered: uind. northwest, light: mun, 23°. Rr'drtniled Hawk. Red-slmuldered Hawk. 1; Hairy Woudpecker. r; Down} \Vnotipet'ker. 4; Cm“. 4x Blue jay. 5; Meadowlark, 1,4: junr‘n. rm; 'l‘rre Spalrnu‘, :30; Song Sparrow, r7. Cardinal, 2; Nuthatch. 2; Rolnu. 7; Bluebird. r. Total, .4 sperits. 93. individualsikm' '1‘. km.

Roherstuwn. Pmi'l‘imr. s .\. \l. m I In .\t. (Ilnudy. ground snow-covered; wind, iper's Hawk. 1: Downy \Vuodperker. t: Horned Lark. 12: (meflmo: Mondmvlar , r; jltm‘o. as; 'l‘rec Sparrow. 5; Song Sparrow. n; White-rhmnted Span-nu. 2- (I. innl. t: Vviliieri‘ireflsleti .\‘urltarcli. 7: 'l‘ufred 'I‘it- mouse, 7. Total, 12 species. 7n; individuals.

southeast. light; tcxnp.. 23°.

Durham, N. C.7'l‘ilne. from 9.1. .\t. to to \. .\l. Light north wind; ground bare: slightly t-qudy and tert- cold; trnip., 2S“. 'I‘urkey Vulture. 3', Hairy Woodpecker, r; 'l‘rec Spurn)“. a: Song Spnrmu. t2; (Zamlina V\'ren. 5; Brown Creeper. l; White- lirensted Nuthau-It. . l'uftrd 'I'irtnnuse, (Tnmlinn Chickadee, 5. Total. 9 species. 3+ iulii\'ltin.’|is.7l':lk\i>| SFHHN.

Beaufort. S. C.’i'llnt‘. tr a. .\I. to 12.30 P. .\|. Clear; light west wind; rcmp.. .io. .\Itnlrning Dure. to: l‘urkry Bunard. 1+: Red-bellied Woodpeckcr. I: Flicker. 2; Plltrlre. t; Blue Jn)‘. 5: Vesper Sparrow. 9: Meadowlark. about too; Field Spnrniw. 1: Song Sparrow. t; Cardinal Grushcak, 5: Loggerhead Shrike, 4; Myrtle \Vnrhicr. 3: Mot‘kinghird. 13: Carolina Chickadee. t: Ruliyrcmwned Kinglet. t. 'l‘utal. If) sperirs. t7t individuals. iAum' CHRISTENSEN.

Knoxville. Tenn.~'l‘ilnc. rt A. .\I. to t 1-. .\l. Clear: ground hare; wind. north. light; [CITqu 2 “. Flit'krr. X: Crow. a colony; Goldfinch. I’l' I‘uitcd 'I‘itmousc, 3; Carolina Chickadee. Ir: \Vrcn. |. Total, 6 species. 36 indi duals plus (Irows.—MAcNoLtA ‘VOUlnYARD.

Lexington, Ky.7 l‘iuic, l0 .\ .\t. to 12 noon: 2 p. \l. to 4 r. M. Cloudy, with light. dry snou; ground bare: wind, west to northwest. brisk: tetnp.. t5“. American Crow. :00. Estimated; Bronzed Grnrkle. 2: Chickadee. . Golden~crowned Kinglet. 2.

'l‘mal. .i species. zotr intlivitiuflis.—R. ll. DEAN.

Medora, Jackson Co.. Ind.— inic. 9 A. .\I. to “.30 A. .\t.; r.3o P. M. to 4 P. M. Cloud). snow fiurrit-s; wind. northwest. strung: rcmp.. 20°, Hairy Woodprcker, 13; Bunny Woodpecker. 9: Rmi-hcliied VVoodpeCker. t; Red-headed Woodpecker. 7; Flickcr. 25: (Irmv. 9: Blue jay. t3; junro, 15.}: Tree Sparrow. r32; Goldfinch. 4; Whilc»ti\roaletl Sparrow. 2: Cardinal. 7: Towhet. r3; Tufled Titmousz. 36; Black- capped Chivkadec. 2: White-breasted Nuthatch. to: Red-breasted Nuthatch, x : Bewick's Wren. 3. Total. :8 spzcics, 441 individuals.

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