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The Christmas Bird Census 17

Englewood, N. J.—Time, 8 A. M, to 1 P. 11., 3 r. 11. to .1 r. M. Heavy snow in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon; wind, northeast, light; eight inches snow on ground; temp., 31°. Downy Woodpecker, t ; Crow, 5; Blue Jay, 3; Cowbird, 1 male; Gold- finch, 3; Purple Finch, 3; junco, 28: Tree Sparrow, 125; White-throated Sparrow, 2: Song Sparrow, 5; Myrtle Warbler. 36: Bluebird. 8. Total, 12 species, 220 individuals, —FI(ANK M. CHAPMAN.

Princeton, N. J.—Tinre, 10.20 A. M. [0 2 11. 11. Partly Cloudy, ground snow- covered; wind, north, light; temp., 31°. Marsh Hawk, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 9; American Crow, 10; Blue jay. 4; Meadowlark, 4,; Purple Grackle, 1: American Goldfinch, 5; White-throated Sparrow, 17; Tree Sparrow, about 60; Junco, 11; Song Sparrow, 9; Cardinal, 4; Myrtle Warhler. 2; Brown Creeper, 3; Winter Wren, 1; White-breasted Nuthatch. ;: Red-breasted Nuthatch, 1; Tufted Titmouse, 5; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2; American Robin. 2, Total, 21 species, 155 individuals-4V. Mt NORRIS, JR.

Princeton, N. J.—'l‘ime, 9.48 to 11.14 A. 11, and +40 to 5.45 1-1. 11. Weather partly fair, partly overcast: ground snow»covered; temp., 31°. Marsh Hawk, 1; Flirker, r; Meadowlark, 17; American Crow, 15o (estimated); Song Sparrow, 3; Tree Sparrow, 2; White-throated Sparrow. 1: Goldfinch, 2; Brown Creeper, 2; Tufted Titmouse, 3; Golden-crowned Kinglet. ,. Total, 11 species, 188 individuals—JACK FINE and RANDOLPH WEST.

Moorestown, N, J.—'l‘irne, 7.22 A. 11. to 6.4o r. 11, Cloudy, snowing briskly; two inches snow on ground; wind, northeast. light; temp., 31°. Snowing ceased about 7.48 A. M. Sun cast shadow 10.05 .1. 11.; strong northwest wind with snow fiurries about 3.30 P. M, Wilson's Snipe, 1; Marsh Hawk, 3; Redrtailed Hawk, 3; Red-shouldered Hawk, 2; Sparrow Hawk, 3; Downy Woodpecker, 7; Horned Lark, 50; Crow, several hundred; Blue Jay, 1; Meadowlark, 29 (one sings); Rusty Blackbird, 4; Goldfinch, 16; White»throated Sparrow, 17 (one sings); Tree Sparrow, 56; Snow Bird, 63; Song Sparrow 36 (two sing); Fox Sparrow, 1; Cardinal, 11; Northern Shrike, 2; Carolina Wren. 1; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2; Crested Titmouse, 7; Chickadee, 7; Golden- crowned Kinglet, 5. Total. 2+ species. 326 individuals, not counting Crows? WILLIAM B. EVANS.

West Chester, Pa.~Time. 7.3a It. .\1, to 5 p, 11. Gentle snow, to cloudy to nearly clear; no wind; temp., 20". Turkey B yard, 21; Red-tailed Hawk, 10; Hairy VVood- pecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 5; Flicker. 2; Pltrxhe, 1; Horned Lark, 132; Crow. 500; Rusty Grackle, 1; Meadowlark, 36; Junco, 58; Goldfinrh, 12; Tree Sparrow, 18; Song Sparrow, 13; Cardinal, 1; Brown Creeper, r; White-breasted Nuthatch, 5; Winter Wren, 2; Goldenwrowned Kinglet. 3. Total, :9 species, about 830 individuals. —]No. D. CARTER.

West Chester, Pa.—Time, 8.30 A. M. to 12 31.; 2130 P1 M. to 4.30 p. M. Light snow; wind, west to northwest, light; temp., 25° to 30°. Red»tailed Hawk. 1; Sparrow Hawk, 2; Long-eared Owl, 1: Downy Woodpecker, 9; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Crow. 30; Blue Jay, 1; Meadowlark, 23; Junco, 71; Tree Sparrow, 50; Song Sparrow, 25; Cardinal, 14: Brown Creeper, 2; Tufted Titmouse, 1; Bluebird, 21 Total, 15 species, 223 individuals—THOMAS JACKSON, ROBERT SHARPLESS, C. E. EHXNGEK.

Bridesburg Meadows and Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa.—Time, 10.30 A1 M. to 2.30 12. 11. Cloudy, sun shining occasionally; two and one»half inches of snow; wind, west, calm; temp., 55“. Herring Gull, 2; Red»tailed Hawk, 1; Red~shoultlered Hawk. 1: Sparrow Hawk, 2; Long~eared Owl, Crow, 30—85; Redpoll, 8; Field Sparrow, 2; Tree Sparrow, 10~12; White-throated Sparrow, 4. or 5; Song Sparrow, 35—40; Cardinal, 1; Junco, 40—45; Winter Wren, 1 (sang); Brown Creeper (heard); Chickadee (heard); Bluebird, 5. Total, 17 species. about 210 individuals—RICHARD F. MILLER.

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