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16 Bird- Lore

Kinglet. 7; Bluebird. 2. Total, r7 species. 20.1, individuals.——FRANK BRUEN, R, W. FORD, and NEWTON MANRDSS.

Edgewood Park and Edgewood, New Haven, Conn—December 26, x902, 10.15 A. M. to r2,15 p. M. Snowing, ground snow-covered; wind,northeasr, light to medium ‘ temp., 27°. Bob-white. 2; Downy Woodpecker, 2; Flicker, 3: Crow, 7; Goldfinch, Song Sparrow,+: Brown Creeper, 3; \Vhite-breasted Nuthatch, r; Chickadee, 24. Total, 9 species, +8 individuals, Since December [5. Bluebirds have been either seen or heard nearly every morning.-—-A, A. SAUNDERS.

Rochester. N. Y.*Timc. “.30 A. .\‘l, to L30. Cloudy. almost no wind: temp., 18°. Downy Woodpecker. I ; Crow, 3; Goldfinrlt, 3; Junco. 2; Tree Sparrow, I; Brown Creeper, t: VVltite—breasted Nuthatch, l; Chickadee, 3; Robin. 1. Total. 9 species, r7 individuals—LEWIS S'rll.es (iANhrT-r.

Auburn. N. Yt—Tilnt', 8.40 a, n. to 2.30 in ii. Snowing heavily during 'preeeding night and all Christmas titty; wind. light, southerly, changing to strong northwest about noon; tt-mp,. 23°. Horned Grebe, 2r; Herring Gull. lo; Ring-billed Gull, l; Ameri- can Merganscr, 3; Red-head Duck. l9; American Golden-eye Duck. 17' Buflle-head Duck. 2: Rulfetl Grouse, r; Hairy Woodpecker. 2; Downy Woodpecker, r; American Crow, 300: American Goldfinch, l; Song Sparrow. l; V’Vhiterhreasted Nuthatch. 8; Chickadee, 13: Brown Creeper. 2. Total. 16 species. am individuals~FKen ], STUFF.

Rhinebeck, N. Y.—December 28. 1902, 2 F, Mr to 4 P, .\l. Fair, light northwesterly wind; tempt. 28°. Bob-white, 2; Red-tailed Hawk, 1; Barred Owl. r; Crow, 5; Hairy \Voodpeckcr. r; Donny Woodpecker. 2; Flicker. r; Brown Creeper. 2; White- breasted Nuthatch. 3; Chickadee. 20: Golden-crowned Kinglt‘t. 2. Total. 12 species. about +2 individuals—M. S. CROSBY.

Central Park, New York City (59m Street to 86th Street).fiTime, 10.30 ,-\. M. to l,r5 P, M. About eight inches of snow on ground: snow or sleet falling throughout; no wind; temp.. 3f. Herring Gilli, about 1502 Downy Woodpecker, 2; Flicker, r; Stan ling, 3 [outside of park); VVhite~thrtlatetl Sparrow, 5; Song Sparrow, 4; Cardinal, r; Brown Creeper, r; White-breasted Nuthatch, r; Golden-crowned Kinglet. .r. Total, lo species, 172 indll'itiuals.i(:l.l?\TUN G. ABBOTT.

Central Park, New York City.~Time. 9.45 I. [0 l2.“ P. M, Snowing heavily. ground covered; wind. rtnrlltcast, brisk; rerun. 3., Herring Gull, 32; Downy Wood- pecker, 2; Starling, r4; \Vhite-rbroated Sparrow. 1+; Song Sparrow, r; Cardinal, 3; White-breasted Nuthatch. 4: Golden-crowned Kinglet. r. Total. 8 species. 71 indi- vidualsilsaac BlmERsEE.

Central Park, New York City—December 2+, r902: time. + hours. lo.l§ lo 2.15. Partly cloudy, ground hare; temp.. 2653f. Herring Gull, about [30; Downy Wood- pecker, ; females; Chatfinch. l: \Vhite-throuted Sparrow. r4: Jllnt‘o. l : Song Sparrow. 3; Cardinal, l pair; Brown Creeper. 2; White-breasted Nuthatch. r; Golden-crowned Kinglel, 2. Total. lo species, about 160 intli\'itlual~‘r—CHARLkS H. Romans.

Bronx Park, New York CityrADecember 26. 1902: time. ll.lo to 1.25. Cloudy, about eight inches of snow on the ground. Downy Woodpecker. r pair: Crow. heard; Starling, about 25, American (ioldfinrh. about lo; VVllite-throatcti Sparrow, about to; Tree Sparrow. a; )unco. about l5: Song Sparrow, 2' White breasted Nuthatch, t; Goldenrcrriwned Kinglet. 1, Total. 9 species and about 70 individuals seen and one species heard.7(‘il,\kl.t:s H. ROGERS.

Huntington, Long Island.~l)erember 26. loos: time. 2 to 4,30 n. M, Cloudy, ground covered with snow: wind, northwest, light; temp. 303. Flicker, 2; Downy Woodpecker. 2; American Crow, 5; Amerivan (ioldtinsh. 4; Junco. r2; Song Sparrow. 2; Myrtle Warhler. 4; Chickadee. 4; Brown Creeper. r; Gollicn»rro\\'ned Kinglet. 2. total. ro specter. p; inrlirirlnals. -CHARt.0TTl». E. LEE.

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