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The Christmas Bird Census r5

north\vest,light; temp.,20°. Herring Gull. 35; Black Duck. 23; American Golden-eye. ror (three on Jamaica Pond); Sparrow Hawk, r; Downy \Vtmtipeckcl'. 2; Flirker. 15; Blue jay. 6; Crow. 28: Purple Finch. 7: Goldfinch. 3: \Vhite-thrunml Sparrow, 9 (one in songl Tree Sparrow. 4; Junco. 3; Song Sparrow. 6: Cedar Waxwing. 9; Northern Shn Myrtle \Vnrliler. 2: Blown Creeper. 2: Chickadee. it); Golden- crowned Kinglet. V Total. 20 .spct-icn. 28: individual. iliudeL W. \VKIUHI.

Cambridge, Belmont and Arlington, Mass.—~ Derelnber 26, r902. 9.30 \. .\l. to 4.30 F. M. Cloudy, about ten inches at ~nou- on the ground; wind \t-ry lighr. wcstcrly: lemp.. 32°. Sparrow Hawk. r: Flicker. 3; Blue Jay, bird. r; Meaduwelnl'k, a; Goldfinch, 3; Trec Sparrow, 30: Sun; Sparrow, 3; (:liickadee. 12; Golden-crowned Kinglct, r13. Total. n SPECiL‘a. 84 individuals.— Hownnl) M. TURNER and RICHARD S. Evs'l‘ls.

Brookline, Mass.7l)ccemlwcl' 23. 190:. 6.30 ,\, M. in “.45 \. M. ( very spring-like; temp. 35°, Herring (iull. 20: Black Duck. 5: :\mt-ru eye, ii; Sparrow Hawk. r; Downy Woodpecker. r; Flir 7;} s; Crow, r7: Goldfinch, 24; )unvu. r5; Chickadee. r4: Brown ('recpcr. ., Nllthntth, 2. Total. 12 species. 129individuals.—CHARI,ES B. FUth

Crow. 7: Rudrwingcd Black-

1; no wind,

in Gultlcn -

Cambridge, MassriDecember 2n, 8.30 to 2.30. (Inlm, cloudy. uhqu eight int-he: ofsnow on the ground; remp.. ranged {rpm 27” to 3:“. Sparrow llawk. r; Downy Woodpecker. 5; Flicker. 3; Crow. to; Blue jay. 5: Meadowlark. r: Goldfinch. 5r; Tree Sparrow. 20: Song Sparrow. 2; Brown Creeper. 3; VVhirc-hreastt-d Nathan-ii. r; Chickadee. rd; Golden-crowned Kinglet, m. l‘ntnl. :5 Species. m2 individuals.— ARTHUR C. Conn and MERRILL Gnlsumn.

Nahant Beach, MassiDet'emher 27, 9.4; [(14.00a Clenr: “ind. light. southwest: about two inches of snow on the ground: iemp.. 25° and 34‘. Hollmell‘s Grebe, l: Horned Grehe. 5; Herring Gull, 400; Blat'k-bnt‘ked Gull. r5; Black Guillemot, l: Red—breasted Merganser. 6: Old Squaw. 4o: Golden-eye. 30: “Write-winged Sculer. 41 Crow. 25; Horned Lark. Snow Bunting. 2; Norrhern Shrike. r. Total. :3 wecies. 55; indi\‘ldll:||S.—‘ARTHUK C. COMEV and lilmARn M. DAVIS.

Woods Holl, Mass.— ‘ime, 7 -\. it. to rz ,u Cloudy. snowing; ground hare. later snow-covered: wind. northeast. light; temp, 2 Horned Grebe, r2; Pied-billed Grebe. a; Loan. 8; Black Guillemot, z: Ravor-hilled ;\uk, 2; Dm'ekie, r: Herring Gull, 35; Bonaparte Gull, 2; Cormorant. r: Red-hrenxted Merganser. 2r); Mallard. r: Black Duck, 30: Old Squaw, 75; American Eider. 5; Velvet St'ntrr. z White-winged Scoter. 500; Siirt Scoter, 25; Ruddy Duck, r; Bram, 12: Boh-wl c. to: Rntled Grouse, 2' Screech Owl, r; Belted Kingfisher. r; Downy Woodpecker, a; Flicker, 3; Blue Jay, 5; American Crew, 30; American Goldfinch, 20; Snowflake. 5; Slate-colored Junco, 50: Song Sparrow, s; Swamp Sparrnw. r; Northern Shrike. r; Brown (:reeper. to; White-breasted Nuthatch. 6; Chickadee. do: Galileo-crowned Kinglet, 6: Ame-ri- can Robin, 2. Total, 38 species. 957 individuala—C. C. P|'Rl)l'.\l. M. l).

Assonet. Mass.7‘lime, 8 A. .\i. m 2.30 l-. .u. Wind, northeast, light. increased about 10.30 A. 3.1., when snou- started to fall: heavy snowfall: temp.. 26". Herring Gull. 1; Black Duck. about 50: Bnhqvhite. 7: Rufled Grouse. 2: Downy VVuotipecker, l; Flicker. 9; Horned Lark. almut 30; Crow, about 200: Blue jay. 5; 'l‘ree Sparrow. 3; Myrtle Warbler. rr ; Goldenrcrowned Kinglet, l : Chickadee, 73: Red-breasted Nut~ hatch. Total. [,4 species, 395 individtmls.7]uHx Dekiimn,

Bristol. Conn.—'[‘ime, 6.45 A. u. to 2J5 P. .\i, Snowing; wind. northeast, light; ground snow-covered; temp., 23°. Bob-white. 6; Marsh Hawk. 2; Downy Woodpecker, 5; Blue Jay. 3r; American Crow. 64: American Goldfinch. 2g; Tree Sparrow. r; junco. 1; Song Sparrow, 1; Northern Shrike. :1 Winter Wren, r; Brown Creeper, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch.7: Red-breasted Nuthatch. r : Chickadee. +3; Golden-crowned

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