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The Christmas Bird Census

lRD—LORE'S third annual Christmas Bird Census has aroused more B than usual interest. Nearly twice as milny reports as were sent last year have been received. and the area covered reaches from Prince Edward island to South Carolina. and west to California. In most instances. the nulnhcr of birds observed would astonish those people who believe that our woods and fields are deserted by birds in the winter. The abundance of tho seed-caters is especially noticeable. and. in View of the facts which lately have been determined concerning their food habits. emphasizes their great economic value. All the reports are interesting. from the one which contains no birds to that listing nearly forty species. and somc of them have records of more than usual value.

Charlottetown, P. E. l.~'l‘i.ne. 3 hours. Fin

vind, east, light: temp, 23°. Not a single bird seen. The callv anti mm winlcr weather oi the heginning of December seems to have driven nll hirds m the Snulh.7J0HN MAcSwAlN.

Exeter. N. H.7l‘inie. 7.15 -\. M. to i2.§5 l’. .\L Cloudy, a little snow: wind northerly. moderate: temp.. 20°. Rufi‘cd (house. 1: American Hnwk 0w]. 1 (allowed an appl'Da(‘ll to within tight or ten feet. and was stark-d from thirteen perches); Downy Woodpecker. Crow, 14: Blur jay, l; Snowflake. 2; Goldfinch and Pine Siskin (two flocks); Xo: l‘ree Sparrow. i); Golden-Crowned Kinglet. 2; Chickadee, 45» White- hrcnslrti Nutllau-h. :; Brown Creeper. 2,—Gmlmn H. SELL CR and WILLIAM EVERETT (:RAM.

Randolph Center, Vt.—'l‘imc. to A. M. to 4 l’. u. Cloudy. ground covered with snow and wind nurtllwesl,\'cry light: temp. 17°. Shrike. l; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2: Chickatirr. r. Total, 3 species, 4 individuals. The number of liirtii seen was very 4

small, hut it gives a fair indication of the winter bird—life here. I pass many days uithout seeing or hearing a single hird,V(;n.an'r H. 'l‘kArrlm.

Lowell, Mass—Tints. 8 A. it. Cloudy. snow on the ground; wind easterly. light; temp, 25°, Rubin. l. Same. [2 M. to 1.30 p. M. Snowing; wind easterly, light; man 25". Crow. Tree Sparrou, 5; (Iliirkader. 1. Total, 4 species. 9 individuals. 7 F. P. Sl'Aulls ;.

Duxbury, Mass.—Decemher 29, “102. 8.30 to 4.30. Clear .-\. M., cloudy P. M.; two inches of snow on ground; wind southwest, fir-sh: lamp” 24°. Herring Gull, i85; Black Duck. on; American Gultlellrei‘e. ion; Dnu'ln \Vorltlpet'ker. i; Flicker. 26; Short Lark. 3 Blue Jar. t6; Crow. 37; Mcadow-lark. 27; Goldfinch. 79; Snowflake, 2; Tree Sparrow, 15; Jutwo. 36; Song Sparrow. 4; Swamp Sparrow. l; Myrtle War-


38; Golden-crmrned Killglet. 2. Total, 19 species, 809 individuals—GUY EMERSON, Btookline. Mass,

Worcester. Mass. ilne. [0.45 A. M. [0 12.15 P, .\l. Dull, snowing; ground partly covered with snow at the beginning; wind ea. ~lightly north. moderately strong; temp.. 22°. Downy \Vnodpet‘ker. 1; Blue ]ay. 2: Crow. 4: Goldfinch, 7; Chickadee, 2. Total, 5 species, in individualsr W. P. PAKKEL

Boston, Mass. (Charles River. the Black Bay Fens and Rivcrway. Olmstcad Park, jamaica Park. and the Arnold Arboretum. hging six miles of the city park system).— Dccemlver 2.). 9.30 to 3.30. Clear: ground bare. except remains of snowdrifts; wind

bier. log; h’luckiughird. 1 thin been several times observed since October 6


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