Wow-mas 0F WANTED! We wi|| ziv: $1 each lor the first 25 copies ul BIRD-
LURE Io. Ahdh 1900.11.34. Vol. IL .emmeu lo us. at Hmisumgmz In good cundlllen.
fifth = late
May- June, 1903
GENERAL ARTiCLES PAGE I=x..,\..s.v...r.. \........-s .w Em. K . . . . ,I 0M..." . 7r. 1..» I..I<II..\\'l‘l-le‘uIn‘u |I|u<x|u|r4ll |l|phulwgv Imam-Ix \Lur pill mm. per-
Yll|\\\~rH nl llvv \Illscum ‘Vi lllc IIIAIUHHI III~|IllIlu HI \I|> .Ulll Sl IUHCES /II\1'/'Il Illmllpuul . 77
I\ IIhquI lumsn mm; , . . . , 'r/mnlm- Hurlr Sud/II. SI. , >~ll\(, I... .m. 12mm. | TN . . . /.IIIUII Hum/mu]. w. \l-\\ xx.» E. x h. mm“. , ,. . .. . ... .V.“ ...I‘ MC 5%
FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS Iluu .u 5'...“ Imus. Fourth Impu- . , . . . [aunt-III. UNI/mum s9
“HULLM Ammm rump... s 96 I’mnmlx u. I..h.. H .g.- I lg l mung: \l WWI, “mm. ammhA. \\' I...Ie.. we. . mum... m... um, .\ 'I’...s> lHuquimI ,. . . , . , V . . . . I , , . . ,. es .3. I-,\||n\~ .u. hm. shhsus I\' . V I . . . . . , .. . .. 95 NOTES FROM FYELD AND STUDY . . . . . V . . . . . . . . A . . . , I I . (I9 Ink ,\. l‘ l’. ('U lllllelr’t \II‘VHNG. BOOK NEWS AND REVIEWS » . V . . . I I0! SIUTTK‘ ‘Sl’nru I A RIer Luvrn ' . [‘IIAHIH‘RIJle ' NI'I‘I All' .‘5 ’\’\'u0l)- ‘ IA\H l\ll\l\l :an URKI'IHIHUIJK'AI I\Iy\<.r\/l\lw. EDITORIAL . . . . .03 AUDUBON DEPARTMENT . I . s . . . . . . . . . . V . s I . . . . . . . m4
a. I‘IIIUIIJlIl/II‘) ...I.-...Il-.I m pub/1.1111... IIIml'I. ./.-. /... .m m./ /.. 1/.. Mn... h. Fug/.7. 1...».
. um: err/um!“ should :5!
IVIIszerzI‘K llml I'm... ..-iII he sen. m all subschlhels mum-mg llveir and i|s re- m... sI.....I.I h. .»....s..I.-..~.I .. mm.- Ihm .I.... .- lry 0| Inn-“val Iw hm. .umle. Suhsrribcls Whose \llhuripliu .I. N no. mum . .I. nus Issue ......~ have Ihc l‘harl a. once hv rfllcwiug no“: when
II..." ~llh>rllpllnlls mu hu humus-.1 one 3.)... «m... 0..» mm. m .\s upwmion.
BIRD-LURE is pnbl‘slled on the first of every nthex mouth \w the llarnullau (‘0‘. at Crescent run! Mums... smug. Hzlrlehurg. In.“ where Ill] homes “I chzlllgc 0. address, em. should he senl.
Subscrluers whose subscription expires with the present issue \\ I mm a properly dam. renewal blank III lllell' m gaunt [II {he m cm ol II Ik-elre IIul lu r new. [he publishers would gr 1v nppufim n husm .h .I.... efiet'l.
“510 subscribers whose subscriytinu exyired with the issue for April. I903, and who have as \'e\ nehhe. reumu-Il men suhscrmum. “on In rennin-m- la 0... qullrsl. sen. us 3 nolxce lo discon- .e um. um. ....-. um liltsl’lll .......h... .s sh... .h .Im hL cl’ llml Ihc mum-r or renewal has been Inn-flunk”. We mu. .. ...II nu“ um...- ..m...... sums»...
Complete sets of Volumes I. II. [II and IV of ‘ Bird-lore' can still he supplied.
Volume 1 contains 206 pages, with 79 illustrations; Volume II. 204 uuzes, with 80 illusv (rations; Volume III, 228 uages, with 92 Illustrations. ox a (0321 of 633 pages (equivalent to about 1,200 pages of the average lzmo book). and 251 illustrations
Every number of ‘ Bird-Lore ' is as rudgble and Valuable [Way as when it was issued, and no bird-lover who is not already suvnlled can find a better investment than hick Vul- umel of this magazine. Vois._ I, 111 and IV are oneer at the suhscription price of $1 euch, postpaid: the prlce of Val. Ii Is 51
.Im-d :ls st. I...
.IIN .hmI mm. in Ilw l’us. nmn- m Hnrrlshunz. Pa