< Page:Bird-lore Vol 05.djvu
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NCOPIES UP BIRD-LURE WANTED! We will give Ii each in: me lim 25 copies cl BIRD-

LURE lur AunL igonV No.1 VnL H. rzlurn:d in us. a: HsnisburuVPaV. in good cor-anion.

irn= late

March - April, 1903



l’mwmi-mr illnermxn Al THwT. thnglapllrnl hy . V . . . i 1.1. I’Il'urrlmlu, 42

.\ Il-kIl-i ximmmir Fl\\ll|\' mus-mm i . . Fluvem‘r .l/mmm Bailey. 43 rm» \‘nus m fimHlNMi BllziiJJr‘ l’llmngraphcd hv. . V V . V . . jam. Rum-y. 46

\ l‘ nun m in“ OuixV Illuslmied V 'I'Imwlu [LY/inky)” 47

gm mmummxnmim is V. VV V. . . . . 49 in mi.” Hm. I\ NHV J. sH'V Illusimicd V V V V . V VVA . V . .. so .nsiV m lllI-. Rl’lu-clmu'uzl' Kl\l.lJ—'1 V V . V . V . V . . . . “vi/ma 11mm. 52

mu,in rim” Us Nl-Sl', l‘llniugrnphcd II\' V Sr'flfiulrl'. 5‘ r“.. 0mm Pull Res. Hmmwpm-d ln- . V . . . V V V . uni-ix [lulu/d Karma? 55 FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS mm m 51: m Imus. 'rm- Mums Si‘nSnn i V . V . . . V Vl-mw VII. (71.1mm. 56 RlRIl-l HRF‘N V\i>\l<nR\ ('Oi \‘l‘llnlzs Thllll Refit“. 60

I'Ulllmu ul (J . i‘limlm km in

m. \\', B, 11mins. w (Ii-ills Imlil, ll Ns-llrling, \\'V w. moi-é. . H. mum“; \l. J. lairle

Ill m m I’umms Mi‘ll\\'R\lTH .. V, V. . . .. VV..... . . V 52 “'er Hum i< l'ms’ lllusi uinu ....V.. . V... V.V.VV..,.,V b: NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY V . . . . V V . V , V . n5

.\ Simme rmmV l-mmu H All.er MN m umx- or in» cm. Km / Ilwrlv >\‘n\\l»LAk s I\' ,qumm 7/ My my L‘Aimmsu XAilk rm. \‘lillh.n\\A)R>IIHHIUA.1\'\I in u.


DI (VHHN 's- m m- mm t‘mmm'; inn-w, *ilnimmrxi or (‘mim |\ Fm: lmxlmi’ ‘Ihlltun V\'n ;\\‘ .m-K. ‘Rw II)I.RAI'HV in. ammu- «mummiouv'. iii“ in l»\'~ >V\ \m x». \\UUIV|y V meu‘s’ 1mm up \ mums. 'I’m-. (mman- mw u MA(;A/l\I-\, 2mvi Nuns,

Rust-m- ,.lluoxs :

EDITORIAL.... . . . . . AUDUBONDEPARTMENT. . . . V V . . .. ........i7l l-M-i- l.v-ru mw, Mn- lzim-l‘umV um: inninin LIIKRAK Unit '11 your! H‘.

Miami m P! ssuu. A SuriV A. I'PIIC\\ IhiAr ) RhNh . ; Li-VMISLATIuN;


i'. Illa-mmle ln/l'llllt'il r1» Mun-mum bomb. m. [or mum. and {XE/mug“ should A: mu 1.. mr- . um 11/ lirlclflnvwllV A'mr jrnrv

si'liicliu. Nul'lrii.

'yiKll-L(I><>«'~ Burl i'hurl “in he Sexil m all subsumers xeummg Hi 1' slum-um. mm «will by l‘ilnSIdtli'll ii mm mm Vim» mm m mill-will ms 1: u. made Sn cribers whl ~e ~llh<inplmil {lacs uni c\|l mm nus * <ll¢ m:|\ hznv: "w rim” m on m miswmg no“. when m” \inmivmms will In v\iclliled one mu {lmn Uk- Ilale m us up anon.

IS. and ils rer


BIRD—10R}: is published an the first of every other month h} llle Macmillan Co.V a( Crescent and Mullu-m sum HulllshuluV l':| V “hum all null -\ UI rllullgc ul Zlkllll’k‘SSVk‘KC.VShO|lld be seul.

Subscribers whose snbscripfion expires with the present issue will find a properly dated relleual mink in um. um c in m cm” or :. «Ioiilc HUI m renew. the publishers would “mu, apilltt‘lalfi a )mflal in mm riled.

“To subscribers Whnse subscription expired with the issue for February, 1903, and whu have as yu . mm r mud mun subsmpimn um. ill in. mm in um .mmsi s u us a "once lo discml- mine ilmr m: mm me llri‘srlll nuth u sun n Hie hello! mm the inner of renewal has been nverlnnkeilV Vie mm n mu mm mm pmmm a||ellliml

Complete sets of Volumes I. II. III and IV of ‘Bird-Lore‘ can Still be supplied.

Volume 1 contains 206 pages. with 71 illustrations; Volume II, 204 pages, with so 111M» Unions: Volume 1U. 728 wages. with 92 illnsli’lflons. or I tqtal of 635 pages [equivalent to about [.200 page: at the average Izmo Book). and 25x illustrations.

Every numner or ‘Bh—d-Lare’ is as readable and Villa”: today as when it wla issued, and no bird lover who is not already summed can find a nemr invesrmem gm mick vol- umes of ms magazine. Vols, 1. In m IV are offered at me sunsenpmn price at :1 each, pnstnaid; the price of Vol. II is 51

l uncd as Svrmldvrhw mai' malier In me Posi (mice al HarriShurg, Pa.

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