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A Ei-t-rtonthly Magazine

Devoted to the Study and Protection oi Birds OFFICIAL Ultqu tir- tm: ,trnrrntrs socl 'iss


Vol. V Published December l. :90: No. 6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES l’rir in the tinitetl States. (‘ ulnnttd Merton

twenty tents a ntnnht-r. one dollar a age pa l.

Subscriptions ltmv be sent to the Publishers. at illa.ur66 Firth avenue. New

. posts

l'rllon, twenty-fire cents a number, one dollar and a quarter a vent, postage paid.

(UPYRH treo. ten. try F

Bird-Lnre'e Motto: A Rm! in 11.2 Ruth is Worth Two to the Hunt!

Even since the establishment of Bull)- Lutr it has heen our desire [0 present our readers with accurately colored illustrations of birds, which would not only be attractive ance Various

in themselves bllt would also be of as. . in identifying birds in nature. methods of color printing have been inves~ tigated, btlt those that were desirable were too expensive, while those that were cheap were paintully unsatisfactoryt

Recent developments in reproductive pros eesses, however, have made it possible lor us to gratify our ambition, and BIRD-LUKE celebrates the completion of its fifth year by publishing the first plates of a series de- signed to illustrate the Warblers of North America in rolor, trorn drawings by Louis Agassiz ruertes and Bruce Horsfall.

In these illustrations especial attention will he paid to the plumage of the female and young (when they diner from that of the adlllt male). n plan which we are sure \ 'll meet with the appror-al at the many hirtl students who have been puzzled by birds ill immature dres .

(If the valtle of the text, by Professor Cooke, which will accoltlpany these plates, we have spoken on another page. Later it is proposed to puhlish in book-form full biographical matter concerning the songs, eggs, and general hahits of warhltrs, and in carrying out this plan we

nests anti

Bird - Lore

most earnestly request the cooperation of Bum-Lou’s YEZdErSt

The day has long passed when one man can write a life-historyof even a single bird which will adequater reflect ottr knowledge of it. The migralion dates presented by Profe.sor Cooke in this i sue admirably il- lustrate the necessity for many observers if we are properly to comprehend the subject of bird migration: and in every other phase of the study of bird-life there is need for a great number of independent observations.

Burn-Luke’s editor, therefore, will ap- pear not as the author. hltt as the editor of the projected volume on North American Warblers. and he sincerely hopes that dur» ing the comingseason bird students through- out the country will pay especial attention to the habits of these birds. and will con- tribute the results of their work to this proposed joint production of American ornithologists. A plan for study will be announced in a later numberr

With this issue of BIRD - LORI-Z Mr. Duteher joins Mrs. Wright in editing the Audubon Departman Mrs. Wright will continue her helpful and suggestive editorials on various phases of educational and pro- tective birtl work. and Mr. Dutcher will contribute news of the activities of the National Committee and continue in Blltn- LURE his useful Educational Leaflets.

To make room for this additional material, Ban - Lou will be permanently enlargedt

Other features for the coming year will be announced in due season. but we already have enough material on hand to assure our readers a volume of exceptional interest and

series of


As we go to press we learn with much pleasure that Mrs. Florence Merriam Bai- ley’s ‘ Handbook of Birds of the Western United States ‘ has already reached its second editiont

It is also good news to hear that the long- delayed revised edition of Cortes' Key will be published in December. In our next is- sue, therefore, we shall present the promised reproductions of proof pages of the an edition of this classic work.

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