< Page:Bird-lore Vol 05.djvu
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711:1): flububon fiociett’w

“ You cannot with a :culpzlflndt/iepnez‘: soul, [Var m N1: wild bird‘s song."

Edited by Mtts. Mama. 050000 \VRIGHT (President oi the Audubon Society ol the Slate of Connecticut). Fainicld, Court” to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon

and other Bird Prote

e Societies should he addressed. Reports, etc" designed (or this department

should he sent at least one month prior to the date of publication.


With names and addresses oi their Secretaries

Caiitornia. . Colorado . . Connecticut

Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland . Mlmchusetts Minnesota .. Missouri Nebraska New Harnns New Jersey New York North Carolina, Ohio... .. Oklahoma. cream-u. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island South Carol'na, Tennessee Vermont Virzinia . Wisconsin . Wyominfl


With the echoing of guns from moot and marsh the shooting season opens, the au tumnal bird migration sets in, and the various birtl protective societies shake oli the summer lethargy. are with us and we may go freely to their

For in summer. thotigh the birds

haunts, the separateness of individuals causes almost a total suspension of organind work.

With autumn comes the demand for new clothing. hats in particular, for the way of the world has been to go hatless in summer, with the result that many human beaks are as highly Colored as those of Sea Cools, and as we look at the headgear shown in

MRS. WMi S. HILL Vlks. jot-m DEWHURST PATTEN. 2m R street, Washington

__.\IRS. Gianna». S. (in, Retiiatids. Ants. Mums A. Sm n: Denver. Mas. Wii.i.i.s.\i onwu CLOVER. Feirfield. Delainore Place, VVlenitigton.

Mus. I want root, Mailland. <OR ll. X,ST,\R\ t-t Etprrhueni.

Miss MARY DRI‘MMDND. 108 West street. Wheaten.

,w. w. Woo”. . ludiatmpolis. MRS] F. FF .Kt knit.

rm Aralvel ':w Orleanxi huts, c. B. Turne, Fairficld. , 7.5 5 Paul street. Baltimore. turni Histnrv, Boston. .5. ., Mint piiis “5l6 North Fourteenth street, St. Louis. int Hltrtile south goth street. nuiahn. . MR5 F. n BATCHEI.DhR. Man. Itestei arouses“: Front street Pihiiiiiehi.N J,

. LOCKW'OOD. 245 West. Se 'ent) fifth street. he“ Vork Cit}.

Glut RT l’EaksriN. Greensboro. Niriihstroet Citit‘nltlall. nits ADEHA Hm.t‘o.\m. Fri 1. mum-tints Portland first street. Philadelphia. MARTHA R. Cunt-u, so Brown street. Providenct.

iiiss s A. sin-tn. Lega‘re street, Charleston. \IR$.C.C.CONNER.R1|’I!¢)4 K, Putkltott'fi. hrattiehoro, Mit.. i, c. rim, Gletlcnrlyn. 260 Laugtioit street Madison huts. N, R. DA\'|~‘.Che_\'etme.

the shops or advertised pictorially “‘6 re- member that in May last the Milliners’ Pro- tectire Association of New York and the State Audubon Society entered into a three years' compact for the regulation of the trade in bird plumage.

What is the result, and how many other State Societies have followed suit and shown that they are possrsmi hy i spi it of fairness and the willingness to mm reasonable ('ume promise palt way?

As to the direct efiect of the agreement upon artistic millinery it is too early yet to predict. The stirt tpiili remains upon the outing and rainy-day hat even as the Os“


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