< Page:Bird-lore Vol 05.djvu
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162 Bird- Lore

What Bird is This?

new 'Hmvlnllml.vl.mlgth. s so In Mime. nlu‘c roan. hrs-l slnly: lhmnl and nuns: blackish mavgincd wim \l'hiilsll, boll) )rlluw: lll)\\'il|u'e)rvrin£: Imwhllr in ml.

.\'r»‘rF..—— Each number of Bum-Lou will contain a photograph, from specimens in the Amcrican Museum of Natural History. of some comparatively little-known bird, or bird in obscure plumage. the name or which will he withheld until the succeeding number of the magazine; it being believed Ihat this method of arousing the student’s curiosity will Itsult in impressing the bird's cllnrncms upon his mind. The species figured in August is a Savanna Sparrow in fall plumage.

Questions for Bird Students


27. What theory has been advanced to account for the remarkable variation in the colors of Murres’ eggs?

28. What birds drink without removing the bill from the water until the draught is finished?

29. How many days after hatching do young Hummingbirds leave the nest ?

30. Note an instance of migration among North American birds to a winter home, distant about 3.000 miles by sea.

3l. Ill what spetics of birds is the male known to sing while on the nest ?

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