< Page:Bird-lore Vol 05.djvu
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132 Bird-Lore

What Bird is This?

Field urrrrmrrm.— mum. 7r) .\ mlow llllr lmarr no anll nn Mud m wrng, :lhm'r, strude hmwn,

Mm ml Mull; lvrluu. “m.- -m ml wiill hle

Nrrrr gum. nuluhcr nl Blkn»l.0kF, will contain a photograph. irum specimens in the American Museum of Nalural History. of suxnc Comparativcly litlle-kllown bird. or bird in nmrurc plumage. ill: name of which will be withheld until the succeeding number of the magnvinc: it being believed um this Inelhod uf arousing the student‘s curiosity will resull in impressing the lrinl's diameters upon his miullr The specics figured in June l~ a Grasslloppcr Sparrow.

Questions for Bird Students


22. How manl‘ common or vernacular names have been applied [0 (he Flicker?

23‘ How mam' birds are recorded as having struck the City Hall tower in Philadelphia hcrwccn August 27 and October 3!?

24. How lnnlll plumach are worn by Ptarmigan annually,>

25. VVlmt reason has been advanced to account for the Shrike's habit of impalingy its prey

26, How many l’rnrmigan wings are known to have been included in olu' shipment fmm Archangel. Russia?

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