< Page:Bird-lore Vol 05.djvu
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vi Index

Fiaher, A. IL. punmii of. 23,

Fislwl's ' Birds of Laymn' l'eviened. 202.

Fleming, j. IL. portrait of, if...

Florida, 7 .

Flycatcher. Acadia", 39. Greenet‘rcsted. 89. Greatvcl'esizti, 90. Oliveesided. .53.

Says, .99.

Food oi Young Birds, 26. Fowl. Mallee. figured. ,4, 3. Stud). 3; nest figured. x. Fn'gum av/mln. 23.

Furnarills. 90.

Galapagos, .33, Gardinew. Island, .75. Unatt‘ak‘hcr. Blue-gray, ()0. Gutlwit. liar-Iniled. 121. Marbled. .46. Goldfinch, 2;. European, 116,163. Goose. Canada, .30, .50. Grat‘kle. Purple. 27. Grehe. Piedebilled. 128: nest figured. 148, .49. Greenfinch. H13. Grosbeak, Ruse-lrluastcd. 1110. Fine. 1991 Grouse. Sage. .ua. Gulls, figured. .o. Gull, Herring. 93. .30. Laughing, .09; figured, in. ..3. Ring-hilled. 14,5,

Habit, Influence of. 53. Hawks, .30, 156. Hawk, Man-u'dvat. figured. sz. Marsh, us. Hen, Heath. so: figured. 5r. Herans, .30. Heron Green, 130. Great Blue, 130. Night. 89. .30. I71). Yellow-crowned. figured. 18;. Huia. 120. Hummingbird, 90. lluntingtnn's ‘Uur Feathered Garne.‘ rev viewed. 167.

Illinois. 19. Incubation. 95. India, 31.. Indiana. :8.

Jacob's ‘Th: Smrv ui a Martin Colonv.‘ revieuetl. 3..

jay. Blue. 9.

jones. Marcus [2., portrait af, 2 .

Junco, r}.

Knkapo, 118. Keeler, Charles. portruil oi, 6:. Kentucky. 18. Killdeer. egg: figured. 9., 146,

Kingbird. 3o: figured, 155.

Kingfisher, New Zealand. .20.

Kinglct. Rnhy-t‘ruwned, 52.

Kiwi, 1131

Knight, 0. W4. purtrait of, 13:.

Knight‘s "l‘he Birds of Wynming.‘ re- viewed. 66.

Knowlton, F. H,, portrait of. 16..

Libby. o, (1., portrait of. 6.. Libraries. Circulating. 70. Upon uni/(Ila. 3,

Loan. I23.

Louisiana, 74,

Macoun's ‘Catalogue of Canadian Birds,‘ . reviewed. 167.

Martin. Purple. 31: figured, 32; .64. 165.

Massachuaetts'. 14, 15,30. 1.3.87,122.t33. 151. .64.

Mating, 55.

Mcllwraith. .. portrait of. 2+; obituary notice mi. 60.

Meadowlark. 158: feathers figured. 160.

Western, figured. 151). 160.

am apntlm: dupn-nyi. 3

M Iligan.19.

Michigan Ornithological Club, Bulletin of, reviewed, :35.

Migration, 103.

Millincr ' agreement, 10+

Moa. 119.

Mockingbird, 128.

Galapagos. figured. 183.

Molting, 156.

Mortality among Birds, 16+.

Mounted Birds in Illusll'ntian, 28. 35.

Murphy, Eugene, portrait of. 97.

Museum exhibits. 136.

Myiarchus. 90a

Nebraska Ornithologists‘ Union, Proceedv ings of. reviewed, 13+.

Nelirling. H.. portrait of, 61.

Nest, The. 57, 58, 59. 89.

Nesting Season. 25, 56.

New Hampshire, 9, 14, 6.1,, 1.43.

Newjersey. r7. so, 164. 166, 199. 200‘

New Mex o. 20. 99.

New York,16.133.163,|75,r98,t99.

New Zealand, “4. .73.

Nighthawk. +3: figured. 4+: 17;.

Nudtlv, figured, 76, 78, 79, 80, 93.

North Carolina, 18, 38.

North Dakota. r43.

Notes. Keeping, 125.

Nntornis, 121,

Nuthatch, Red-breasted, 9; figured, 10, H. 35- ’

Nuthatch. White»breasted, 9. 12; figured. 13: 26. 35.1963

Nuttall's ‘A Popular Handbook of the Birds of the United States and Canada.’ re- viewed. 101.

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