iéonk £21335
THE STORY or A BIRD Lovell, By WiLt.t.a.\i EARL Doooe SCOTT. New York: The Outlook Company. t903i xi+372 pages; iplatc. Price, firrso.
This is an exceedingly interesting book. From a wide and varied experience as a field ornitholo whose labors extend over a period of some thirtt' years. Mr. Scott here presented what appears to have been best worth preserving. In the main the hook is a personal history of the author‘s lite, with a t-ecnuntal at the more important events in his career. and a description of the localities he has visited,
lvitlt an outline of what was accomplished in them. For details tlte reader is re- ferred to the authnr' . ientific papers, a bibliography oi which is given as an appendix
Mr. Scott has worked chiefly in Florida.
New Jersey. Missouri, West Virginia. Colorado. Arizona and jantaiea. He first vi led Florida in i876 anti returned to
the state at intervals until t892. It was in the early part oi this period that Florida birds were iirst systematically attacked by plume lninters, and Mr. Scott‘s‘Story' contains some graphie descriptions of Florida bird-life both before and after the feather dealers rookeries.
In his concluding chapter Mr. Smtt refers to his observations on birds in cntitinentetit. and presents in a suggestive manner the possibilities fur research in this direction, For reference purposes the book's value is decidedly impaired by the absence ot the index which it deservesiF. M. C
devastated its teeming
A PUPL‘LAR Hauosoox or THE Bums or
CHAMBERLAIN. \‘Vith additions and one hundred and ten illustrations in colori Boston: Little, Brown 5; Co. r903. 12mm Pages xliv+m+ x++3i Col. pll. 2 numerous text-cut Price, $3.
The publication at an edition oi Nuttall at a price which places the admirable bird
anti flashiems
biographies ot this writer within the reacb .ot every one should be a cause tor rejoicing among all bird lovers. This is a reprint oi the second edition of the two~v0lilmc edi- tion annotated by Montague Chamberlain and published in thb, The few western species included in the original (i832l edi- tion have been excluded, but the title has not been amended accordingly, and one might suppose that the book dealt with all the ltirds oi the United States rather than those east of the Mi, issippi. The illustra- tions include reproductions oi drawings by Audubon. Wilson, Ritlgwa)’. Seton and others
'l‘he woodcuts are still good. blit the process plates show the result of wear. The color-work evidently dues justice It) the originals and is good when they are. The chestnut-breasted Tufted Puffin roiild well have heen spared; but one can attord to pardon all shortromiltgs in the illustrations for the pleasure nthnvingthetextte—F.MiC.
Mr \Vt)t)l)l.,-\Sl) IV'l'lilt'l'Es. By BlLrNELL. New York: The Baker and ‘i‘aylnr Cottlpiin). rhino xirizatl pages.
Mrs. Bignell's text, given in the ‘ Fore- wnrd,‘ reads: "In writing the followng sketches. l have had ill mind all to whom such simple thoughts and quiet experiences
might appeal.“ and she ha a redly been
more than usually successful in imtruing the written page with the spirit of olitrof— doors. Her birds are alive and in their haunts as a part of tlte nature with which slte evidently has such keen and tender sympathy. Not only should rhis book fulfil its author's dearest hope of rarrying "rest- iul little messages " tn "
mom or city pent." but it should also bear
some one in sit-k-
a message to those whose- eyes are closed to
the beauty and interest in tilt: Common et‘er4 day things about usiF. M. C.
The Ornithological Magazines
THE Anita—The April ‘ a number of readable artit’l
u k' contains
~ built popular