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(‘Iutled the Red-shafted Flicker, Violet- green Swallow, Audubon‘s Warbler. Red- barked Junro. which was tountl nesting, Mountain Chickadee, Pygmy Nuthatch, Grace's Warbler, Blackrtltroatetl Gray VVarhler, Cassin‘s Vireo, Poor-Will, Long- crested Jay. V’Voodhouse’s lay and snurrett Totvllee.

In the Cation the Rock Wren, Canon \Vren, I.m.u|i Bunting and Ash-throatetl Flycatcher tit-re characteristic speciesr

At sunrise. on the nth. we stopped at Hesperia, among the trec yuccas of the Mojave Desert, and in mam' respects the two hours passed here Here among the most enjoyable at our journey. Birds and flowers were both surprisingly abundant; the yurcas and the Cactus Wrens which were nesting in them heing objects of she. .t.

'l‘oiling through the winding cuts ot the Caion Pass. we emerged upon the Pacific Slope and shortly were at San Bernardino.

cial inte

in a region where irrigation anti Cultivation have created a truly wonderful transforma- tiont For miles our track was almost con- tinuouslv bordered by orange groves, while Riverside, “here an all too short stop was made seemed. in truth. a paradise of birtls and flowers,

()n the evening trf this remarkable day Lus Angt’les was reached, and here a recep- ntembers of the

division of tht:

lion was tendered the Union by the southern Courier Club.

voted to an a,

The following day was de~

rent of Mount an, where, at an altitude of 5,000 feet, runny birds Previ- nnslv seen about the rim of the Grand Cat‘tnn were again e countered.

AI half-past seven o'clock, the evening oi the same tlay, the final stage of the journey was begun. and alter a must intern citing title on the Southern Pacific railroad through the Salinas Valley, tht: first. we trust, of many transcontinental tours of the Amerit'an Orllithtllogists' Union was con- ttludetl at five o'clock, 'I‘hnrxday afternoon, .\I:I\' l4.

Members of the Cooper Club and of the Academy of Sciences Here on ltantl to pilot us to our various lodging nlnoes, nntl, in- tlootl. throughout our stay the kindly and in.

Bt’rd- Lore

valuablc attentions of the resident ornitholo- gists never failed us: to them is due not only the succcss of the meeting but the many delightful experiences which beiell us individually after its adjournment.

Ti-e first session of the joint meeting of the Cooper Club and the A. O. U. was held in the Lecture Hall of the California Academy of Sciences May 15, at it A. M., and subsequent sessions were held on the afternoon and evening of the same day and on the morning or the tollowing day. On both days those in attendance were elabo— rately entertained at luncheon by the main» bers of the Califor Academy of Sciences.

0n the afternoon of the t6th, in re- sponse to an invitation from President Jot» dan, a v

Several of the papers presented at the meeting wett- of more than usual value, par- ticularly Mr, Joseph Grinnell‘s cmnmtlni— cation on the 'Or'gin and Distribution of the Chestnut-hat td Cltickadees,‘ and Mr. Walter K. Fisher's account of the bird-life of Laysan; while the lantern slides exhib- ited by Mr. Fisher and Mr. W, L. Finley never been exceeded in scientific value by any shown at ourA. 04 U.

t was paid to Stanford University

have interest and meeting.

A program ol the several sessions is annrntlttl ; “Origin and Distribution of the Chestnut-hacked Chit‘kadees. ’ Joseph Grin» nel ; "I‘he Ca ~n Allklet,‘ Howard Roht-rt- son: ‘Rccognition of Geographic Variation in Noment‘lalure.‘ Leterett Mills Luoniis; ‘Notes on the Fresno District,‘ J. M. Miller; ‘Do Valley Quail use Sentinels?‘ John J. Williams; ‘ An Island Community, or BirtlsLiie on Laysan,‘ illustrated with Ian- tern slides, Walter R. Fisher; utes on the Hi «is of Chili.‘_lost:ph Mailliartl; ‘Call Notes of the Bush-tit.’ Joseph Gtinnell; ‘ General Habits of the Prairie Falcon,‘ Donald At Cohen; ‘Oragon Birds Caught with a Carriera,‘ illustrated with lantern slides, \Vm. L. Finley; ‘The Bird Islands of Out Atlantic Coast,‘ illustrated with Ian- tern slides, Frank M. Chaplrtan; 'Relnarks on the A. 0. U. Journey across the Conti- nent.‘ Louis A. Fuertes; 'l‘he Farallon Islands.‘ illustrated with lantern slides, M. Olin Emerson.

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