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iv Index

“iK. George H., Red ('russhills in New jersey in july. 16o.

Horton, Mrs. VViIlium C., MortalityAmong Birds in June. 164.

Hunt. (‘hresu‘cll J., Census, 18.

A Christmas Bi rd

jat‘kson. Thomas. A Famin ol Barn Owls. 47; The Turkey Vulture and its Young.


Jackson, Thomas. Sharhless. Robert, and h nger. C. E., A Christmas Birti C:- us, 17.

Jacuhs. ]. Warren. Mortality Among Birds in June, .51. lanes. Lynds. A Christmas nit-ll Culslls. to,

Keeler. Charles, In the Haunts of New Zealand Birds, 114.

Lee, Charlotte H., A Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 16.

Lord. \Nillialn R,. Mortality Among Birds in june. 1614.

MacSlvain, John. A Christmas Bird Cen~ sus, 1.1.

Manross. Newton. See Bruen. Frank.

Maxnn, William R.. An Odd Nest-site of the Chimney Swift. 113.

McConnell, Harry 8., A Christmas Bird Census. 19.

Mead, E. M.. The Return of the Nuthatch, 12.

Miller. Richard F,. A Christmas Bird Cen- sus. 17.

Miller, W. l)eW., The Palm Warbler in New jersey, 191).

Murray-Aaron. Eugene, System in Field Records. 125.

Newell, Ida, A Christmas Bird Census. 1g. Norris. W. .\l., )r.. A Christmas Bird Census. 17.

Packard, \V. H.. and Vandeusen. C. 3.. A Christmas Bird Census, 19.

Palmer. '1‘. 5.. Reviews bv. 33. 67. .35. 168, 201; Bird Protection Abroad. 37. 105, I73-

Patten. Jeanie Maury, Secretary, Report of, 207.

Parker, W. P., A Christmas Bird Census, 14.

Putts. F. A.. A Christmas Bird Census, 201

Purdtlm. C. (2.. :\ Christmas Bird Census.


Reed. RnyT.. A Christmas Bil-d Census, 18.

Robins. jnlia Stockton. Secretary, Report of. 73‘

Rogers, Charles H., A Christmas Bird Census, 16.

Rowley. John, Photographs by, +6.

Saunders. A. A,. A Christmas Bird Cen- sus. 1b.

Seebolds. ], 5,, Photograph by, 5.1.

Seeman. Ernest. A Christmas Bird Census, 18.

Sellerk. George H., and Cram, William Everetr, A Christmas Bird Census. 14..

Seversnfl, Henry P.. A Christmas Bird Census. 20.

Sharples., Robert. See Jackson. Thomas.

Smith. Theodare Clark. A Hermit Thrush Song. s4.

Smith. Wilbur F..Thc Carolina Wren at South Norwalk. Connecticut, 163. Spalding, F. P., A Christmas Bird Census,

14. Statiortl. Earle. The Brown Creeper. 203. Stone, C. F. A Large Phwbe‘s Nest. zoo. Stupp, Fred J.. A Christmas Bird Census. [6.

Thaycr, Alibott M., Il'ustration. 28.

Thayer, Gerald H., The Mystery of the Black-billed Cuckoo. 143.

Thompson. Dr. Joseph, The Tortuga: Tern Colony, 77.

Thomson, Harriet W., A Christmas Bird Census 1g.

Trafton, Gilbert H., A Census. 1.1.

Turner, Howard M., and Eustis, Richard S.. A Christmas Bird Census, 15.

Mounted Birds in

Christmas Bird

Vandeusen, C. 5. See Packard, W. H. Van Note. George H., The Heath Hen in New Jersey. 50.

Watson, Bertha B., A Piazza Bird List, zoo.

Webb. Rosco: j,. Vest-Building Habits of the Chickadee, 63.

Webster, Laurence}, MakingBird Friends. 9: Snowflakes in Trees. 64.

“last. Randolph. See Fine, Jack.

Wetrnore. Alick. A Christmas Bird Cen— sus. 20.

Wilson, Burtis H., A Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 19.

Wilson, R. N., Treasurer. Report of, 18.

Woodward, Magnolia. A Christmas Bird Census. 18.

Wright, Horat‘c W., A Christmas Bird Census. 14,

Wright, jane Atherton, The Loggerhead Shrike in Massachusetts. 122,

Wright, Mabel Osgood, Editorials by. 36, 70. 10.1. 137,171.205,

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