< Page:Bird-lore Vol 04.djvu
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irh = lure

September- October, 1902


GENERAL ARTICLES PAGE Roms, lel‘ ,th Vows. . , . . . m- ,\ llr\ll- 1(IIIAIL'I‘IIN mren I.” . . ttn's . A Gotm-t t-It lm't. Illust

tsuxrtsr Ithsth-tvcntt-

’x .1. 1.. I’z‘l'llcclml'ru 142 ll. .I/t-I. Mum”. ALI), 143 ,st .txh \‘m'. 2 . . t . . . . . . L (; AblmlL m7

|K’d t t t . 4 I t . . . . . . . Iz'lltt (nil/Mr! lut'tr. I48

\l\~\t\«‘llL_ .l ts mum .oct. \ hum.” . , . . . . . Riv/mm. . .z/Vfl/ll N. III/I, .Im. [5| FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS How To Nut» HZ BI nlusuatcd. ,"xth pttpet . . . , . . . . Jam/t JI.C/m/1Imm. 155

'lIx.M14,I:..t-nu.\ mt \\'ttutt . . . . t . . . . . t . 159

Tut. YOUNG oust-m Pumacon . , t . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . t t . . use

\\'II-\T BIRD ts 'rtus? nhtst tmtt . . , . . t . . . . . . . . . . téo

NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . [6| .\ Cttumtw Mt SH‘A! 1\l‘Ill'I‘\ I-UIIIII' It. lav/m rut: “nutm m. \‘tutgu ,t N JIM/VJIIIIIII tun/Iv Nt- st nst » Ill t'tttttshtshttt. II’. II. .1qu” HON m- htttnst I,tt.tn . - s. BUUKNEwsANDREVIEws.... , A .. . . . . . .t t...t63 I- an rtmv. mm. M Ul- CAlJI-ORNIA Bum Foul s ‘tht- t’tt tt 1mm CALENIIAR'; "I‘N (\sl'R , VH5 ).\' lll' . EDITORIALS . . . . . , . . . , . . . . H . . . . t . . ..l66 AUDUBON DEPARTMENT. tss

HIKI) l’kl)!’ , ANNUAL

l-Zm I’KIILIAI s 500E

Immm Snt‘nerv; .\ NI£\\' {IUDUIION | Ill .



,3. ,mmutnwt Irttmnlmi ft» pub/t‘nmhn. (molar, mt, for mum. and err/11mg“ :Iwuld b: tent to NM “am a: [inrlen'umh A'rw jw‘xey.


BIRD-Lou is puhhshed on the first of ever and Mummy strceIs. melslml‘gt m. \\'lICIC all null

Suhsn'ibe'rs whose sub ription expires with the .ptesent issue will hut: a htopetxy dated renewal blank ill lIIcII‘ ht; “he. l_II II": stem 0| 3 destte not to renew. the publishers wallld gmle appreciate a poslnl l0 Illa! elk-ct.

fivi’To subscribers whose subscription expired with the issue for August. 1902, and wlm have as yet Ilui|her renewed thctr scrtpttott nor. in response to our request. sent us a notice to discon- tinue their matznzme, Ihe prc 1 number is sent in III: belief IlIIIl the "Inner of renewal has been overlooked. We |rusl II \\‘Ill now rs‘ceive prompt anuuion.

Complete sets of Volumes I. II and III of ‘Hifd-LOI‘E‘ can still be supplied.

Volume I contains 206 yages, with 79 illustratinns; Volume II, 204 Miles, with 30 lulu- trations: Volume III, 228 pages, with 92 illustrations. or a total of 638 pages (eunivalent tn about [.210 page: of the average Izmo hook)V and 251 illustrations.

Every unmher of ‘ Bird—Lure ’ is as readable and Valuabla today as when it was issued and no bird-lover wk» 15 not already an}: vlied nan find a better investment than back vn nmes at tms magazmm Yols. I and m are offered at the suhacrlplion pnce of 3! each. post paid: the price 0‘ Volt 11 IS 52.

the; man“: ll) Illa Macmillan Co., at Crescent 5 0| change of address. etc, should be senlt

Isttth.Lott-'s ‘Flcld ltlculificallon Rlullk' with cuts or Ihe heads or the leading (mines of Passetes. an out e bird willI the lmrls named. me, can he nbmincd from the 1. Horace McFarland Catttpattt. Box 6, , Hatttshtttg. l‘a_ Price. Io centsposttmm.

Entered as secnnt‘Lclass mall matter in the Post Office at Harrisburg, Pa.

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