< Page:Bird-lore Vol 04.djvu
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fiirtw late

July - August. 1902


GENERAL ARTICLES Fromm.“ il‘iiifiox‘ IN imam . . . . V . Li F. 1mm rownrm . - V Hm iznivrvrnr r WHNKEV JOHN , r Hmin ,rrnmm iiiimrziicri , r . . . . . i . . . . , arm I]. Sum-Mu \ c . . . , . . m m1 (mm Tm Nisnxn i \n rnnuniumi n vim-.0 . . . . . . . V/alm Him/rm 'l'm- . mm m. Vme . . . . , V . . Erma All. T/mums.

FOR TEACHERS AND sruDENTs How 70 NAME TllE Bums. iiiusirnied. Fimi [Inpcr . . V . . . .quk M C/m/lmmi l‘iIF, YOUNG ONSERV NS' Pfll7E CONTFST Wiin mm; H 'riiis? iiiimmiinn

FOR YOUNG OBSERVERS Rum .\‘uir< FOR Arum, {\I! \l\\', \ i'ii - - . . r r . . , r . Air/ti! milky:-


Cuirii l'~‘ ‘NFSTS AND Em m- Alrs‘iRALMN BIRDS': \Vn DCkS ‘NI TII. _ 0F Man ~r ,wn Miksll'; inn . r -|-'0\Vi.’; mm.- r * Hi- ormmonnmui. MAG» ,izmws.


AUDUBON DEPARTMENT. REM)th nl' ii.u.\~m<v ii . .'nTA, MISSOURI. AND \\'|5K‘055IN SHCIFH

.v, JImmn‘n/HS mieiidflr! f7" pub/italic”, hooky. (In. rm rrmm, mni Err/mug“ :Imulil be Inn :0 [hr 1 mar 11! [infirm/1011. IVFLI.‘ jmry.


BIRDJARE is published on The first of every other month by (he Macmillan Co. at Crescem mid Mulberry Sin-elm Harrisburg. I‘m. where all iioiices 0| change of aildre~'5, slimV slioula he sent,

Subscribers whose snhscrlptian expires with “I! present issue will find a prnpelly dared renewal blank in their immune. in ma even! or a desire IN)! in renew. me publishers would greaily apprecifllc a [insinl in ilmi cflcrl.

WTO snhscrlher: whose snbscrlpdun expired with the issue for June. [902. and who have a£ ye! neiiiier renewed riicir subscripiinii nor. in response lo our iuqilv<l,:k'lli us a notice to discon- (imie ilieir magazine. iiic nrc<cnr number is Sun in Ilie mm um um inaucr or rciiewal has been overlooked. We nus: ii will now receive prolum alleiiliuil. ‘

Complete sets of Volumes I. II and III of 'Bird-lore' can still be supplied.

Volume I contains 206 pages. with 79 illustrations; Value II, 204 ranges, with 80 illus— (rations: Volume III, 228 mazes. with 92 illustrations. or 3 [MRI 0‘ 638 page: (equivalent to about i,zno pages at the average Izmn book). and 251 illustrations

Every unmher of ‘ Bird-Lure ' is as reldlhle and Valuable today as when it was issued. Ind no bird lover Whu is not alreadv annulled. cln find a better investment tlun back V01— nmEs of this magazine. Vols. I Ind III are offered a! the subscription price at $1 ench, Dost- vzid: the yrice 0! Vol II is $2,

BIRD»LI)RI—:‘S 'Field ldeiiiificalinn Blaiik' wiih cm: DI \lie heads of (he leading lamilles of Pnssrreb, mi uiiiliiie hinl n-iiii inc parls‘iiamtd cm, r ublaiiied iron. iiic i. Horace Mcl-‘arlaud Company, m 655. Harrisburg, Pal Pric . in ccr -

Entered m second-class mail inalier in the P051 (Nice 2! Harrisburg. Pa

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