< Page:Bird-lore Vol 04.djvu
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1%1'1’11 = lure

May - June, 1902



Fon‘risriE ansTAM) or CIIEsTNUr-sim \VARELER, . rmmrn y‘frflug'mart. THE INthASE m: mu: CHESIN| sail . “2mm. . illusliuicrl bi \hn: mulmr , r . . .

A 1min- D/Igtimrg. Tm: CH s Fn 'r Emmi). lHuslmk-d by the aullmr . . . . . .FMIIIn: H. Herrick. Tin: \Vami ‘mzisu AN" Tm: \\'H|Pri'ool14\\'ll L. Venn. llluSt “Cd V .Cm'lvll lVewkirlL A Gm»: clubs-\- . . . s . . . . r . r . Cl'l‘ln‘dA./lbbollr

FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS How To NM . m-z Rm . llluslmlnli Fourth paper. . . . . . . . .anxv M. Chapman.

\Vim'r BIRD IS I'll Illusnalioll 'I‘lii: VUI'NU OYK‘H-JIY ks‘ Pklzia CONTEST


A BIRDS' BMH. . . . . . . . . . . . . r .Erilnizrililf.Dl'bez. THE IXCREBULOL'S \ . r .l'70rr'rlre A. Vrm Sanlr

\\'ING n \VARI: ER, C. G. - FLORIDA.

Honih'S'NATux 'T|'n\'Ai\'l) Lth ; Flu-IiCH'S‘HI mum‘s \\’i ';\Vooncm (Ir mw‘, mun-s ‘BIRUS ul' 1‘ Lmrmu RNHHDLOGICAL MAGA-



.x,‘ .Ilmmrm’pl: "imam far publituliun, firm/cs, (In, [w Mpww, Amt ext/muggi- sliorim br mu in Mr mum at Elm/unload. 1V(u/ jur'xejl'.


BIRD—LORE is puhllsned on the first of every otber manth by me Macmillan Co. at Crescent and Mulberry slrsels. Harrisburg, l’a., \vliele all notices oi change of address. elm, shoulé be sent

Subscribers whose subscription expires with the present issue will find a properly dated renewal blank in Hieil magazine. I_n the eve!” of a desire nm In renew. the publishers would greruly appremle a postal lo that eflect.

11310 subscribers whose subscription expired with the issu: for April. 1902, and who have abyel neither renewed lhclr suhscrlpuon nor. in response \0 our l'nquesl, sent us a notice to discon- liilue meir magazine, the prosen: number . sun! in the belief um: the matter oi renewal has been overlooked. .We lrusi it will now receive prompt allculion,

Complete sets of Volumes I, II and III of ‘Bird-Lnre' can still be supplied.

Volume I comains 206 pages, with 79 : lustrations; Volume II. 2M gazes. with so Illu- tntions; Volume III, 228 pages. with 92 Illustrations. or a total of 638 pages (:qnivnlent (0 abon‘ 1,200 yages of the average 1211.10 book), End 251 illnstrhtions.

Every number of ‘ Bird-Lore ' is as readnble and ynlnnhll today I: when it WEI flawed. and um bird-lover who )5 net alreadv supplied can {Ind a better investment than BACK vol- umes of this magazine. Vols. I and III are uttered a( the subscription price of $1 clan. min- pflid: the price of Valr H is $2.

BIRDVLORE'S ‘Fiekl Illcnnl‘IL lion Blank‘ \ ' | cuts u! the heads oi me leading families oi

In uullme birdAwilli Ihc pans'nanleil sic. tan be uhlainud from the J. Horace McFarland

l}u,\ 555, Harrisburg. Pa. Pure, 10 celiis,1l05l1)niil.

Entered as Secomlrclass lnai! uraucr in ma Fosr omce at Harrisburg, Pa.

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