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Index vii

Manitoba, 1.16.

Martin, Purple, figured, 5'9. Maryland, 29, 203.

Massachusetts, 12, 25,43, 95, 151, 161. 193. McCadden, I). N., figured, 55. Meadowlark. 114.

Meat—bird, 110.

Meyers, F. G., figured, 58. Migration, 133.

Milliuery Trade Review, 169. Minnesota, 94, 143.

Missouri, 30, 138.

llr‘lniotiltitlm, 135.

Mocking Bird, 99, :33.

Montana, 98, 99,

MooserBird, 110.

Morris, George 5., 57; figured, 5,8. Motacillidae, 127.

Nekraska, 34.

Nebraska ()rnitliologists‘ Union, I’rot‘eedr ings of, reviewed, 3.1.

Nelson, E. \\.'., figured, 193,

New Brunswir‘k, 162.

New Hampshire, So, 11.1.

New Jersey, 11, 2S, 57, 81.

New Mexico, 8, mo.

New York, 26.

Newton, Alfred, 99.

Nighthawk, 133; figured, 114.

Nomenclature, 135.

Nonpareil, :

North Carolina, 74. 13.1.

Nuthatch, Redrhreasted, figured, 153.

Nuthatch. “Hutu-breasted, figured, 158.

Nuttall Club, The, 12.

Oberholser, H. C., 74, 199; Studies oi Horned Larks by, mentioned, 294.

Ohio, 29. 99, 203.

Oregon, 9, 98.

Oriole, Baltimore, 131.

Oriole, Orchard, figured, 63.

Osprey, The, reviewed, 35, 99, 16.1.

Oven-bird, 99, 131.

Owl, Eli, 100.

Owl, Saw-whet, 11:0.

Owl, Screech, 196; figured, 197.

Owl, Snowy, 13.1.

Palmer‘s ‘ Bulletin 12,‘ menlioned, 69.

Palmer, '1‘. 5., 7.1.

Paridre, 15o.

Pearson, ‘1‘. Gilbert, figured, 193.

Pearson's ‘Stories of Bird-Life,’ reviewed, 58~ .

Pennock, C. J., figured, 58.

Pennsylvania, 28,57,951. 133.

l’hrche. 95.

Pigeons, Domestic, 182: figured, res. l’ipit, American, figured, 12$. l’lectropterus gambensis, 1S4.

Plover, Spurrwingcd, Spur ol, figured, 153. Plover, Upland, 55.

Plover, Wattler, figured, 133.

l’rize Essay, 31.

I’rize Essay Contests, 128, 130. Ptarmigan, \\'l1ile-tailed, 135; figured, 185. l’urdie, ll. A.. 12.

Rail, Carolina, 48, 49: figured, 53, 56. Rail, Little Black, 54; figured. 53. Rail, Virginia. .17: figured, 53.

Rail, Yellow, figured, 54.

Redpoll, 24.

Red-wing: Blackbird figured 147, Rat-(1,], Harri. 57: figured, 5

Rhode Island. 25. Rhoads, C. J.. figured, 55‘.

Rhoads, amnel N., 37; figured, 58.

Richardson, Sir John, 99.

Ridgwny’s ‘Birds of Middle and North America,‘ reviewed. 33; Part II of, menr

tinned, 20.1. Robin. 24. 53. 55. 99, us. 193; figured, I42. 144.

Rodriguez, 182. Roosevelt, Theodore, is.

Sahle Island, 134.

Sapsucker, 123.

School, Nature-Study. 102.

Scott, \\’. E. 1).. 12.

Screamer, 185; spur of, figured, 1N1.

Sei C. F., figured, 53'.

Scrrill, \V. J., figured, 58.

Seton. Erne Thompson, figure-(l, 171.

Setnn’s ‘ L sol the Hunted.‘ reviewed. 3.1.

Sheppar E., figured, 53.

Shooting, Spring, 203.

Shrike, Northern, 24, 43; figured, 92.

Shryock. \V. A., figured, 53.

Silloway's ‘Birds of Flathead Luktu' re» viewed, 93'.

Snipe, Wilson's, .15, um.

Snow Bunting, 43. 36.

Solitaire, “King of, figured, 132.

Sornl)0rger, J. ll, figured. 1.1.

Sparrow, Chipping, 99, 131.

Sparrow, English, 138. 1.15, 162, 166.

Sparrow, Field, 99, 131; figured, 65.

Sparrow, Henslraw’s, figured, 2.1.

Sparrow, Ipswich, 13.1.

Sparrow, Lincoln‘s, figured. 160.

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