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The Audubon Societies

tire Atlantic coast. But the masses have been only stirred, as a ripple passing over the surface of the great deep; and the mil~ linery trade journals oi midsummer herald another period of feather-wearing that promises to equal in quantity anything we have seen. We cannot blame the dealers so long as they keep within the letter of the law; we cannot blame them for desiring to have the laws framed to suit their purposes, It is the demand alone that we must blamev and it is this demand that can only be silh- dued by international cooperation, as well as by organized'home effort. Nothing can pre— sent the present status more graphically than some clippings journals, for the more we see how we are regarded by the opposition the more we shall realize its force,

The iollowing advertisement, unique in

from these same trade

its way, taken from one of these journals. appears in conspicuous type ornamented hy cuts of birds and fishes

Factory, Lindeuhursr. L. l.

MAX HERMAN 8: CO. Beg to otter to the Trade a coma plete line ot novelties imported and of our own make.

The prospects for the coming sea- son are apparently for a general line. such as Fancy Feathers Wings, Pompons. Palms. Paradise. Aigrettes. Ostrich Plumes. Autumn Flowers, and last, but not least, BIRDS.

To our kind and feeling friends who are prejudiced against the wear- ing of birds. besides such as are pro— tected by law, we respectfully offer a a fine selection of FISH of difierent breeds. which are the latest Parisian creation.

It is really diflicult to tell whether this oti‘er to supply fish to decorate the hats of the sensitive is a tribute to their feelings or subtle satire; and we greatly wonder if the fish are real stuffed fish or hollow mock-

eries of gauze. These irom rhe midsummer number of

‘The Mi inery Trade Review‘:


HaanlNG LARGE st

" There can be no gainsaying the factthat fancy feather efi‘ects are to take an traor- dinary partinthe comingseason'srnillinery, and, judging from the great number of Cases received and shipped by William Kone- mann, his American representatives are get- ting a lull share oi business. They carry a large stock of birds‘ breasts, wings, quills and novelty effects, which are added to by each incoming steamer. From this assort- ment excellent selections can he made by millinery johbers, not only now, but all through the . ason. ‘Tis a good house to make a friend of."


" That high-class novelties in birds. bird plumage and fancy feather effects, consist- ing principall of breasts. wings. quills, aigreltes. paradise and pompous, are to be prominent ieature in the season millinet_' goes without the saying. The edict of fash— ion has gone forth, and Paris will revel in bird plumage as soon as the season opens, with increasing demand as the season advances.

"L. Henry dc Co., while importing- large quantities of this class of merchandise, have a domestic plant that is productive of more than ordinary results in creating designs that meet with marked favor with millinery buyers. Their sample-room is now filled with all the plumage of the ieatlrer trihe that is at all likely to be sought for, and it is an exhibition that will be appreciated by the general lnillinery public. Their pat— tern hats will he placed on exhibition. together with their more rerem shipments from Paris of novelties in fancy el'iects. com— mencing Monday. July 7."

The following. from the same journal, is interesting in that the matter is logically handled and the lines we italicize regarding the use of bird pests for decorative purposes is full of import. If we could he sure that the nseot the English Sparrow and English Starling, who has come to stay. and we fear prove a greaier nuisance than the former bird,~for millinery purposes would


not cause the innocent species of Sparrows to stifier through mistaken identity, the trade might easily supply the"long-felt want " of small birds:


"The Illinois Audubon Society has issued a circular letter. which it has forwarded to the rnrllinery trade of Chicago, wholesale

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