< Page:Bird-lore Vol 04.djvu
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vi Index

Unrfee, Owen, figured, 12. Duicher, \Villinnl, 161'): figured, 193.

Emlen, A C , figured, 5.\', Evans. J. \L, figured. 58.

Fashions, 167.

Fellows. A, P., figured, 58.

Finch, Purple, figured, 195.

Fish for llals, 167.

Fisher‘s ‘Tn'u Vanishing Game Birds 're— viewed, 163.

Flamingnes, 177; figured 131 ; nests oi, fig» ured, 173. 179, 13).

Flicker, 131.

Florida, 35, 97, 171.

Flycatcher, S '0r~lailc(l, 133i

Flycatcher. Traill's. 34.

Fox, H., figured. 58.

Fowler, H \\'., figured. 58.

Fowler's ‘ Tales From the Birds,‘ reviewed, 153.

Francis, N. A , figured, 12.

Frazer, M. .-\., 201.

Freeman. 5. l\l.. figured.

French's ‘ Hezekiah's \Vive .'

Fringillidze, 64,

Fucrtes, L A., illustrations by, 2011.

reviewed, 9S.

Galahazos, 100 2021

(iallinnlc, Florida, 42: figured, 51, 531

flannel, 183.

Gilheus. A 11., figured, 58.

(inatcatcher, 131 : figured, 1&9.

Goldfinch, 148; nest of, figured, 149.

Goldfinch, Lawrence‘s. 100.

Goose, Spurwiugcd, wing of, figured, 154.

Grackle, Bronzed, 100, 144.

Crackle, Purple. figured, 63.

Grebe. American Earell, 86.

Grebe, HollnL-ll's, S7.

Grebe, Pied, 37.

(irelye, \Veslern, 86.

Grinnell‘s ‘Clleck Lists of California Birds, reviewed, 163.

Grosbeak, Evening, figured, 9, 1o.

Grosheak, Pine, 24; figured, 12, 63

Grosbeak, Rnsebreasted, 34, 133; figured, (14.

Gull, Glautuus-winged, 99.

Gull, Herring, 69.

Gull, Point Burrow, 99,

Hailrsiorm, 143. Hardy, Mrs, 186 Hay, O. R. 97. Hawaii. 201.

Henshaw, H. \V,. 12: Birds of Hawaiian Islands. reviewed, 201i

Heron, Blue, 153.

Heron. Green. 46.

Heron, Night, 46.

Herrick, Francis, 74.

Herrick’s 'Hmne-Liie of Wild Birds,’ re- Viewed, 101.

Hiruudiuidué, SQ.

Hitchrock, C. H., 97.

Hodge's ‘Nature Sludyand Life,‘ reviewed. 98.

Hofiniann, Ralph, Sn.

Howe, R. H..Jr., figured, 14.

Hummingbird, Ruby-lllrualed, 34.

Hutchinson, J B., figured. 58.

Idaho, 2CD

lcteridze, 62.

Illinois Audubon Society, 169, Indiana, 301

lngersoll. Ernest, 12.

Jacann. 184.

Jack, \\'lliskc_\', 19,156.

Jay, Blue, 3,4,; figured, 23.

Jay, Canada, 111).

Jay, Rocky Mountain, 186.

an‘s ‘Among llle \Vater Fowl, reviewed, 132.

John. \\’hiskey, 11:9, 186; figured, 186, 1871

Jones, Lynds, figured, 193.

Journal Keeping, 175,

Judd, S. [1,741

Kellogg‘s ‘Elemenlary Zoiilngy,‘ reviewed. 3+

Kesler, A,, figured, 5n

Keyser‘s ‘Birds of the Rockies,‘ reviewed, zoo.

Ringlel, Goldeircrowned, figured, 189.

Kinglet, Ruby-Crnwned, figured, 139,

Labrador, 69.

Lanildte, 91.

Lark, Horned, figured, 21,

Leguat, Francois, 182.

Lobrianellus, 18.).

Lord's ‘Birds of Oregon and \\'ashington,’ reviewed, 65,

Louisiana, 30, 172.

Lower California, 2011

Magpie, 97.

Maine, 109, 134.

Maine Ornithological Society. Journal of, reviewed, 134,

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