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List or Birds observed by l Richard 5, Euslis, bridge. Mnss., Irorn May

List 0! Birds a»- served hem s, Hill, West Grown. Massa,


by Elizr ‘


a. Bride i MISS.)


Lisz ol Birds observed by M uly i, 1901;

West Medic

19. l l, w M: 19, . 1902.90 3’ ‘ :zoflllfllltyéé-fll, 1 July I, 1902.


l NAM: ui- SPEL‘IES Locality 0m ‘ Localin Dale l Localily Date Great Blue Heron . . Marblehead Aug.ro,’or Groton May 6, . Middlesex Fells Sept. 22,’ Green Heron. . . . Cambridge May 20, ’or Groton Aug,2o, . Middlesex Fells Aug. s,’ Black-crowned Night ‘ .

Heron . . . i . . . Midas” pensjune 8. ’ol‘Groton Aprt 24, . Concord . . t . Apr. 1g,’ Virginia Rail . .jCambri’ge*May26,‘or . . . . . . .‘Cambrldgc* . . Mayrs, Sora . . . . . . , .‘Cambri'gH‘Mayaofioi . . . . . . . ,‘Cambridge*. . May 15, American Woodcock . ;Belmonl . . Dec. 3, ’olerotoniMar. 3r, . l Wilson’s Snipe , Cambridge April 3. ’02 ‘

Red—backed Sandpiper lipswich. . Oct, 25. m

Semipalmated Sandpi’rMarbleliead Oct. re, ’01 ‘

Sanderling . . Rockport t Aug. 2. ‘or . . . ‘Cohasset Aug.x8,’o Greater Yellow-legs . Ipswich. . Aug.3o,’m

Solitary Sandpiper . . Rockport , Aug.2. ‘oi Groton May 3. . Medford .. . . May It, Bartramian Sandpiper Belmont. . April 4, ‘oz

Spotted Sandpiper . . iCambridge May/24, ‘or Groton Aprila. . Medford . . . . Aug.u, Black-bellied Plover , llpswich . . Aug,3o,’oi

Killdeer. . . . . .iBelmont,. Oct. :9, ’or

Semipalmated Plover. llpswich. . Oct. 26, ‘0!

Bob—white .. . . . .iBelmont“. Mayzz. 'oi GrotonAprilS. . Waltham . . , May24,’o Rufied Grouse. . , . Arlington. June 8, ’01 Groton Jan, 30, . Mediord .. t . Septtzzfo Mourning Dove“ . . , . . . . , . . Groton May 21.

Marsh Hawk . . lBelmont. . May 23. ‘01 Groton Mar. 27, . Medford . . . , Oct. 20, ’c Sharp~shinned Hawk . lBelmont. . May 23. ’oi . . . . . Mediord . . . . Sept. 28,’o Cooper‘s Hawk. . . , Arlington. April 3, ‘oz

Red»tailed Hawk. ’Concordt . Oct. 20. ‘or GrotonZMay 30. . Medford . . . . Feb. x6,’o Red<shouldered Hawk Belmont. May 31, ‘or Groton~Mar. lo, . Medford . . . . Mar. 24,’o_ Rough-legged Hawk . .Cambridge Dec. 8, ’or ’

Bald Eagle . . . . . . . . . . . , Groton‘May 6,

Amer. Sparrow Hawk Belmont, . May 25, ’ol Groton.Apr. 29, . Medford . . . . Apr. i4.’02 American Osprey. . . Marblehead Oct. 5, ’m GrotonlMari l6. . Mlddlcsex Fells Sept.22.’or Long-eared Owl. . . Arlington, Jan. 26, '02 l

Screech Owl . . . Cambri'ge* Nov. 6, ’or GrotonlDec. 3o,

Great-horned Owl , . , . . . . Grotonjan.2o,

Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Cambridge May 24,’or GrOtDnVMale, . Medford . . . . Mayn. ’03. Black-billed Cuckoo t Belmont.. May 31, 'or Groton'iMay 3, i Mediord . . . . May 9,’02 Belted Kingfisher . . Cambridge May 21,301 Groton Apr. :9, .iMediord . . A May 5, ’02 Hairy Woodpecker . , Concord, , OCL 20, ’or Groton Jam 20. . Concord . . . Mar. 25,’oa- Downy Woodpecker . Belmont. . Mayzz. 'oi Groton Jan. 30, . iMedford . . . Oct. 2. ‘01 Yellow-bellied Sap— ~ ‘

sucker. . . . . Marblehead Sept. 26,‘oi . i . .‘Medford .. . . Sept. 28.’01 Red~headed Wood-.

pecker . . . . .. ,Newton....]u|y24l’ol Flicker . . . . . . Cambridge May 19,’ov Groton Jan. 25, . Medford .. . . Feb. :6, ’02 Whip-poor-will . . . ;Concord, t June r7, ’0! Groton Apr. 14,

Nighthawk . . . ‘Marbleliead Sept. 23,’or Groton May x6. . Medford . . . . Aug.rs,’or ChimneySwift. . . . Cambridge Mayzo,’orGroton May 7, . Medford .. i . May 4,’oz Ruby-throated Hum»l

ming-bird t t . . . Belmont. . May 31. ’01 GrotonfMayist Medforrl . . . . May u,’02 Kingbird . . . . . . Cambridge Mayzo,‘oi Grown May 7. ijMedford .. . . May 8. ’01 Crested Flycatcher , . . . . . . . . . Groton May 7. . Middlcsex Fells May II, ‘02 Phoebe . . . . t‘Belmont., Mayzg,‘ox Groton Mar. i3, . Medlord.. . . Apr.r6.:o: Olive~sided Flycatcher l. i . . , . . , . . ,l. . . . .lGrCyloCk. . . . Junex4, oz Wood Pewee , . lArlington. May 26. 'or GrotonaMay 7, .lMedford . . . . May 18, ‘02

  • Heard
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