The Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Bird—Lists
\ ONE of the means employed by the Massachusetts Audubon Society
to interest its members in the practical side of bird study is an invitation to make lists of the birds noted in the state during the year, blanks being furnished for the purpose of properly recording observations. The best ten lists received by the secretary for the Society for the last year were made by the following members: Richard S. Eustis, Cambridge, 14.5 species; Mrs. L. E. Bridge, West NIedtortl, 125 species; Elizabeth S. Hill, West Groton, 116 species; Lilian Cleveland, West Nledford, 111 species; Isabel B. Holbrook, Milton or Rockland, 107 species; Abby W. Christensen, Brookline. 107 species; Louise Howe. Brookline, 103 species; Bertha Langmaid, Boston. 99; James See Peters, Jamaica Plain, 90: Mrs. W. H. Simonds, Bedford, 89. The three first mentioned lists are published herewith. Blanks for recording the species observed from July I, 1902, to July I, 1903, will be furnished to members of the Society by its secretary, Miss
Harriet E. Richards, Boston Society of Natural History.
‘ List a! Birds observed by Richard s. Eustis, Cam» bridge. Msss. tram Mry
‘Lisr at Birds ob- served by Elizns be!!! s. Hill, West Grnlon.
List or Birds observed by Mrs. L. E. Bridge. Wsst Mediord, Mass, lrom July 1. 1901, m
l 19: ‘WL W M” 19> tr in Mar. 1‘ u] I 1 2. l 1902- tooluly 1352.0" J y ’ 90 NAME or SPECIES 1 Locality i Date Loczlily Dale Locality Dale Holboell's Grebe . . , 1Nahant . . Dec 31,")! Horned Grebe i . . . Marblehead Nov. 16,‘o) Pied-billed Grebe . Lexington June m, ’01 Gromngtny 30, Loon . . . i . . Ipswich . . Oct. 26,'ol . . . . . . . MiddlesexFells Mar. 2+,‘oz Parasitiejaeger . . . Ipswich ,. Aug.3o,‘oi Kittiwake. . , . . .llpswich . . Jan. 12, '02 Great Black . backed 1 ‘
Gull . , . . . . . Marblehead Aug.29,’or . . . Ipswich. . Mar.12,’oz American HerringounMarblehcauuly 7. '01 . Ipswich. . . Mar. 12,'02 Common Tern. . . . Roekport. Aug. r.’or . , Providence.. . july 17,'or Red-breasted Mergan- i
ser , . , . i . . Ipswich. . Oct. 26,’or Black Duck . . . . 1 Belmont . Mayzs, ’OIGroton Marizz.’ . Middlesex Fells Sept.22.'0) Wood Duck . . . . . ‘Belmont. , May 2, ‘02 Groton April 1,
Lesser Scaup Duck . Cambridge Oct. 31, '0: American Golden-eye. Boston . . Oct. 13, 'or . , Boston . . jan. 1. ‘02 Buffiehezd . . . i . . . . . , . . , Ipswich. . iVIar.12,'02 Old-squaw . Ipswich . , Oct. 26, ’ot Whiteswinged Scoter .r . . , . . Collasset. . Sept. r9,’or SurfScoter.. . . . .,Nahant. . Feb.15.‘oz Ruddy Duck . , . ,rMarblehead Oct. 9. ’01 Canada Goose. l. , . , . . GrotonMar.13, American Biltern . . . ;Belmont* . May 2:, ‘01 Groton April n,’ , Cohasset. . Sept. 23,’ot , l ‘Hamd (Is!)