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iv Index

Miller, Mary Mann, The Warhling \‘ireu a Nest Singer. I61. Miller, Rh‘hnrrl F., :\ (‘hrislnnis liiI'd Celr

\\'. H., Nesting Habits of the L‘hinr Hey Swift. i62.

Morison, Fred Tl, Prize Crow Essay, —l

Morton, H. MCI , The Destructive Eficcls of a Hailsturin Upon Bird Life. I43.

Newkirk, Garrett, The “land Thrush and the \Vhippoorn'ill, 85.

Palmer, F. 5., Reviews liy, 35, mo (initials omitted in error). I53, 165.202.

Parker, \\'. I .-\ Christmas Bird Census. 25.

PattenJea 6 Mary. Sec‘y, Report of. 74.

Pellet, Emily B , :\ Calhird’s Musical Aliilily, [6L

Princchurn, A. L, Photographs by. I42. I97.

Putnam, Sarah L., Set'y, Report of. 133,

Reese, August. Src'y. Report of, 138.

Robins. Julia Stockton, Sec‘y, Report of, 40.

Rogers, Charles H.. A Christmas Bird Cellr sns, 27.

Rhoads, Samuel N., The Delaware \‘alley Club. 57.

Rudy. Art,, :\ Christmas Bird CL'IIsIIs. 3o.

Saunders, A. A ,A Christmas Bird Census, :6.

Selleck, George H . Nighthawk Notes, In.

Seton, Ernest Thompson, 0n Journal Keep» ing, I75.

Story. . 8., A Christmas Bird Census. 27. Stupp, l-redel'irk J.. A Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 26.

Thomas, Edith Mi. English Starling. 61: The Sapsncker. 12;.

Thompson. Caroline B.. A Christmas Bird Census, 29.

Thwaites. Jessie T.. Sec'y, Report of, 139.

Turner, Howard M., A Christmas Bird Census. :5.

Vanderpool, Mrs. 1., Sec'y. Report of, I72.

VanRant. Florence A., The Incredulous Veery, ()4; The Screech Owl's Valen- tine, 196.

Walker, Archie, Bird Notes for April and May, 130.

\\'arren, E. R.. Photograph by, I85; Whiskey John in Colorado, 136. \\"el)|). Roscoe Jr, A Christmas Bird

Census, 3o.

\Vest, Randolph, A Christmas Bird Census, 25.

VVetInnre, Aleck. A Christmas Bird Census.


\\’hittcn. E. Marion, A Home in a Cellar, 96

Wright, Horace “h, A Christmas Bird

Census, 25; Vllintering Robins and Vi'ax- wings, 193'.

\Vright, Mabel Osgood, Editorials by, 37. 71, In}, I65.

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