< Page:Bird-lore Vol 04.djvu
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Abbott, Clinton 0., A Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 27; Notes on the Goldenw‘ringed \Varbler, 96; Photographs by, 147.

Abbott, Gerard A., A Grebe Colony. 8“.

Allen, Francis I'[., The Nuttall Club, 12,

Baker, Philip, A Christmas Bird Census, 30.

Baldwin, Mrs. L. (}., A Christmas Bird Census, so.

Barnes, Fuller, A Christmas Bird Census, :6.

Beebe, C. William, photograph by, 149.

Blatchley, Ralph, A Christmas Bird Census, 3c.

Brewster,\\'il|iam. Voices of a New England Marsh, 43.

Bridge, Mrs. L. E., List of Birds Observed, 151.

Brooks, Martha “2, Photograph by. 17.

Bruen, Frank, A Cl'lristn'las Bird Census,26.

Cady, W. G., A Christmas Bird t‘ensils,29.

Carter, John 1)., A Christmas Bird Census, 29.

Crosby, Ernest, The \VL‘CI'Y‘S Note. 119.

Crosby, M. s., A Christmas Bird (it-nsus, 27.

Chapman. Frank M., How to Name llIL‘ Birds, 20. 62, 38, 124,155, 131); Reviews by, 33,34,68,98,132,133,13t.163.164. 200,201: Editorials by, 36, 70, 101, 135, 166, 2m; The Great Auk in Florida, 97; Flamingoes‘ Nests, 177; How to Study Birds. 194,

Cobb, Anna E., A Christmas Bird CensusI 25.

Cones, Elliott, Extract from Journal of. S.

Curtis, C. At, Recollet‘tinns of Elliott (ONES, 5.

Dean, R. H., A Christmas Bird Census, 3'1. Dibble, Edmund B., A Bird‘s Bath. 94. Drummond, Mary. Seu'y, Report M. 136. Dugmore, A. Radclyfl'e, The Increase of the Chestnut-sided Warbler, 77.

Dutcher. William, Minutes of the First Meeting of the National Committee of the Audubon Societies ol the United States, 104.

Dwight, J. Jr., Reviews by, 69, 133, 201.

Eaton, Elon Census, 26.

Howard, A Christmas Bird

EL‘kstm’m, Fannie Hardy, Cnncerning the Bad Rupute of Whisk \‘Julni, 109.

Elliot, 1). 0., Cones, 3.

Enigh, Perry, A Christmas Bird Census, 27.

Eusti. Richard S . List oi Birds Observed. 151; A Christmas Bird Census, 25.

Evans. \V. 8., A Christmas Bird Census, 28.

Recollections of


Fisher, A. K., Reviews by, 35. 99, 164,, 202.

Fine, Jark, A Christmas Bird Census. 2s.

Ford. Royal 11., A Christmas Bird Census, 26.

Hurrirk. Francis H.. Broud, sin.

Hill, Elizabeth 3,, List of Birds Observed, 151.

Hill. _l. Ininq. A Chr' tinas Bird Census, 2!).

Hix. George- E., A Christmas Bird Census, 2*.

Hunt, .‘Irs. C. l. A Christmas Bird Census,


l-lutchins, Juhn, 'l‘lie Nesting ni the valuuu throatcd Vireo, 120.

The Chubcc‘s First

Ives, Ella Gilbert. A Goldfinch ldyl, 1 1).

Juhnsun, s. .11, A (‘hristmas Bird (towns.

3o. Justirt‘, Hilda. A Christmas Bird Ct‘nsn". 29.

Keller, 1—; 1a. Photograph by, 105.

Kellogg. c. 1).. Photng plis l)_\' 2. ii.

Kenible, Edward, A Cl stmas Bird Census. 27.

Knowlton, F.

ll.. A Talking Magpie, 9,". Let. Charlotte 12., A Christmas Bird Census.


Lockwood, E. H.. Sec'y. Report of. 206.

Lord, \\’111. Rogers, The Western Evening Grosbeak, 9

Love, Lawrence 1-1, My Bluebirds, 67.

Lucas, F. A., The “Kapons of Birds, 182.

Maynard, H. W , A t‘lu‘istnias Bird Census,

29. McConnell, ll. 3.. A Christmas


rd Census.


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