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The Audubon Societies

Very excellent work has been done hy Mrs. jnlia Edwards in the Fourteenth Disr trio: of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Mrs. Edwards having formed Audur bon committees in a number of the clubs. some of which are doing fine work. At the biennial meeting of the Federation in Los Angeles the Illinois birds had a spokes- man in Mrs. Wheelock, of Evanston.

An ‘Outline of Bird Study‘ for the use of teachers, etc, has been prepared by the Committee on Bird Study. giving lists of books, etc.

Some of the dreams we have been dreaming during these five years are be- coming realities. and we now have two traveling libraries ready to start on their travels. Among the books are bound vol- umes of some of the bulletins issued by the Agricultural Department at Washington and the delightful Arbor and Bird Day Annuals published by the State of Wiscon- s'rn. Another dreamithat at an illustrated lecture to be sent to schools, clubs, etc., throughout the stateiwill also soon become a delightful fact. and we hope to have it ready for work in the autumn. A third dreamia law ncorporating Bird Day with Arbor Dayiis still a dream—but we trust that, too. will materialize during the com- ing year.

The work or the Society has so increased that it has become necessary to make a sep- atate department ot the junior work. anti Mrs. William M. Scudder. of 604 E, Di- vision street, Chicago, has been made chairman of this department. An interest- ing feature of the junior work has been the response to an ofier made in the little pa- per, ‘By the Wayside,‘ or a prize tor the best list or proverbs anti tamiliar sayings about birds. that five p es were sent, the first going to a little Wisconsin girl of ten, who sent in a list of 320 such proverbs. etc. !

Very excellent work is done by some of our teachers and county superintendents of schools. Among the latter. that of Mrt Orville T. Bright and Mr. A. D. Curran is worthy of special mention.

Our latest work is the sending, in this ‘leaty month of June,’ to all the 550

The result was so surprising


wholesale and retail iuilliners of Chicago, as well as to some in our smaller town.

a short but clear statement of tilt: state law on the purchase and sale of hirtls, with a ierv words of suggestion, appeal and warning. Inclosed with each of these statements sent to the Chicago milliners was a Copyoi .\lr. \Villiam Dutcher's leaflet, ‘ Save the Birt

And so the good work goes on. Much has been done: more remains undone; btlt with such a noble board of directors as this Society is blessed with, it would be ' pos- sible rot any secretary to ieel otherwise rhnn rrrll oi hope and ot a good courage.

Mm DRUMMOND, Serrzmry.

Minnesota Audubon Society

Al the annual meeting held April 5. 1902, John W. Taylor was elected presi- dent and Sarah I. Putnam, secretary, they being the oilicers of last year. The reports show a membership of at least 1,800, and more interest shown throughout the state this spring than at any time during the existence of the Society.

On April to, the Society issued a cirorr. Iar stating that the Lacey Law would he enforced against all milliners and others having in their possession or offering tor sale ‘protected‘ dead birds, their skins or ieathers, The woorls and parks i around the cities are being posted, giving notice to boys and others not to kill or annoy birds or their nes The superin» tendents of the schools have been asked to see that Bird Day. April rs, be observed tully and the day devoted to the strrtly ot birds by the children. sent out through the state. but on account


Literature has been

ot laclt oi tunds this has been much more hit. r. M. Chapman rleliver-t-rl some very in-

limited than we Could have wished.

teresting lectures at diFlerent tonns, which resulted in good to the cause.

A system of outdoor classes lor birtl study is being Conducted by Professor Lange and promises to he very hclpiul. We every reason to feel grat ed at the success ot the work already done. funds cramps us exceedingly.


The want of Just how to secure money is a problem not yet solved.

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