@Ehe fluhuhon fincietiez
“ I'ou tam“)! mm a sralptlfludihe fot'l'x xmll. th Iii-2 nip nil/,1 hn'tl': Sung."
Edited b Mk5. MAKEL UsGuuu \VRIGHT (President of the Audubon Society of the State of
Conueuicul l, 17
l'fielcl. Collu., to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon
and other Bird Protective Socletles should he addressed. Reports, etc“ designed for this department should be sent at least One month prior to the date ol publication.
With names and addresses at their Secretariu
Maine . , . . .. New Hamvsh 2. Vermont . Massachusetts Rhnde Island Cnnneeticut .. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania. Delaware. Maryland. District ol Columbia VirEinia .. .. North Carolina. South Carolina. Flaridn Missouri Ohio. Indiana Illino Iowa Wisconsin . Minnesota Wyominz Kentucky Tennessee Calllornia.
of Societies
Reports Illinois Audubon Society
The Illinois Audubon Sociely, having reached the mature age of Five years, feels that while it can hardly claim for i self the title of ‘nncient and honorable,‘ it has at least passed the period of infancy and can stand firmly upon its feet.
At the (latl: of its fifth annual nlectlng. April 5, 1902,tlle nllmller of members join- ing (luring the five ycars counled some 932 adults and 10.024 juniors, a total of 10,956.
We have sent out nearly 3.000 leaflets during the year and have published one pamphlet, a reprint ot Mr. William Prae- gcr's ‘Birds in Horticulture,‘ a work of considerable value. We have also issued new membership cards for adults and pa-
Mk5. 1) z. MCCLELLAND. 5265 Eastern a\‘e,. Cincinna M '5 llrlARY DR MMOND. 208 West street. Wheaten.
lks RFI'REV C. Miss SARAH l.t PUTNAM,125 Illglehart street. St. Paul.
. H. NORTON, \Veslhlook. MR5. F. W. BATCH 1min, Manchester. Vins. I7 . .rcnnn K. BARROWS, Brailleboro.
luMlzDs. care Boston Society uf Natural History, Boston. I“ s HARRIET C. RICHARDS. 48 Lloyd ave., l’rovidenc:r
.Mits. witmn BROWN CLOVER. Fairfield. . t3 \Vest Seventy-fifth street. New York City.
Mlss Jl LlA SCRIHNEk, 5x0 E. Front street, Plaillfield. Ni].
\‘lxs. EDWARD Ronle, "4 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphiu. MRS. WM. 5. HIL
. E \\’l'-'sroN WHI‘INh
MRS. lam. n VHL sr PAT‘rEN, 2212 R street, Washington.
. Delalllure Place, Wilmington.
715 St. Paul street, Baltimore.
. 4R5. FREDhR|CK E. TOWN, Glencarlynt
__il. GlulhRT PEARSON, Greensboro. VlISS S. A. SMYTH. Lezare street, Charleston. Mk I. VANDERPDOI.. Maitlund. ., 25r6 North Fourteenth street. St. Loui
Wt \V. VVGOLEPL Illdianapoli
'Vllzs. L. E. Fan, Keokuk. 1mm i-s. 260 Larlgdoll street, Madison.
MR5. N R. Dms, Cheyenne. .lthArl CRorKETr. Henderson. “MRS, c. c. CONNER. Ripley. .Mlzs. Click 5, GAv. Redlallds.
pets to be signed by jllllinrs. These were the result of much thought and careful wru-k, and are proving themselves most sar- isfactory. Our new class of members. pay— lug an annual fee of ill, grows slowly but surely, and has already more than justified the wisdom of the change and confirms the opi'nion that no society should attempt its work without at least one class of members paying annual dues.
We have held our usual semi-annual and annual meetings. At the former, addresses were made by the president, Mr. Rutllven Deane. and Mrs. Sara A. Hubbard. At the latter. beside the usual business meet- ing. an address was given by Dr. J. Rollin Slunaker on ‘ Birds and Their Nests,‘ which was illustrated by very beautiful slides taken by Dr. Slonakcr.