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Young Observers’ Prize Contest 93

What Bird is This?

field Dtrrripliun.—Lcll1th 5 so in. Cruwn streaked with black anti zu-unislt my Jinl \\‘Iih some varlly' (one nestled chestnut; back streaked black nntl arm-ll .it rm : Whltc wins-bars, and white blotchus on rail; bclow burly unite with tracts or chestnur chiefl)‘ nlunz the sides.

NoTe.~Each number at Bren-Lone will contain a photograph. from specimens in the American Museum of Natural History. of some comparatively little-known bird, or bird in obscure plumage, the name of “hich will be withheld until the succeeding number of the magazine, it being believed that this method of arousing the student’s curiosity will result in impressing the bird's chararters on liis mintl far more strongly than if its name were given with the picture.

The species figured in April is Brewster’s \Varbler, a supposed hybrid between the Golden-winged and Blue»\\-inged Warblers, of which over one hundred specimens are known.

The Young Observers’ Prize Contest

Circumstances prevent a report on the essays which have been received on the birds of February and March, but the prize winner will be an- nounced in our next issue.

’ In the meantime we will remind those who are competing for the prize offered for the best notes on the birds of April and May that their essays should be sent to the editor by June 15. We also now ofler a third prize of a book or books to the value of two dollars for the best seven- or eight- hundred-word article on the birds of June and July.

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