66 Bird -Lore
the closing days of the month, hut the openinj^ days of May are surer hy the rule in finding them here. May is the month of bees, bird music and wild flowers, and possibly is the gayest of all gay periods of the year. To the true nature lover it encom- passes a season of really pronounced pleasures. Who has not for ever to be associated in his memory the O-yes-I-am-a- pretty- bird -pretty -bird of the Baltimore Oriole, the apple blossoms and the Warblers? The Flycatchers and Vireos, too, arc upon the calendar, in addition to the smaller Thrushes and Scarlet Tanagcr, whose fiery tropical plumage, in the case of the latter, very strikingly offsets the more somber tints of many of our commoner birds. The bulk of our Warbler hosts and the Thrushes continue onward to their more northern summer homes, and with us, are simply transients. BIRDS OF THE SEASON For pemiaiient residents and winter visitants, see BiRD-LoKE. Dec, 1900, p. 187. April and May Mii^rants, showing extreme dates of arrival and departure of transient visitants, from data collected at Glen Ellyn, Illinois, during the past eight years: April I, Turkey Buzzard;* 1-8, Lesser Scaup Duck;* 1-22, Wilson's Snipe;* April 2 to May 5, Loon;* April 2 to May 10, Winter Wren; April 2 to May 19, Blue-winged Teal;* April 4, Tufted Titmouse;* April 4 to May 16, Sparrow Hawk;* April 8-27, Hooded Merganser;* April 8 to May 18, Myrtle Warbler; April 8 to May 24, Pine Siskin; April 9 to May 20, White-throated Sparrow;* April 10-19, Greater Scaup Duck; April 10 to May 25, Broad-winged Hawk;* April 11 to May 10, Pectoral Sandpiper; April 14, Green-winged Teal* and American Coot;* April 14-17, Red-throated Loon; April 14 to May 25, Water Thrush;* April 15, American Pipit; April 15-26, Great Blue Heron; *April 15 to May 5, Vellow-Legs;* April 17-24, Pine Warbler ;* April 19, Buffle- head Duck; April 19 to May 21, Whip-poor-will;* April 23 to May 13, Palm Warbler; April 23 to May 30, Olive-backed Thrush;* April 24 to May 21, Red-breasted Nut- hatch;* April 24 to May 25, White-crowned Sparrow; April 24 to May 29, Wilson's Thrush;* April 27 to May 21, Solitary Sandpiper;* April 27 to May 25, Nashville Warbler;* April 28, Bald Eagle;* April 28 to May 26, Swamp Sparrow;* April 29 to June 4, Black-throated CJreen Warbler;* April 30 to May 9, Cape May Warbler; April 30 to May 21, Ruddy Duck;* April 30 to May 26, Tennessee Warbler; May 1-21, Orange-crowned Warbler; 1-23, Black-and-white Warbler;* 1-28, Alice's Thrush; 2-27, Black-throated Blue Warbler; 2-30, Black-poll Warbler; 3-28, Parula Warbler;* 4, LeConte's Sparrow and Least Sandpiper; 4-18, Golden-winged Warbler;* 4-25, Magnolia and Blackburnian Warblers; 5-16, Bank Swallow;* 6-21, Willow Thrush; 6-26, Canadian Warbler;* 7, Kirtland's Warbler; 7-30, Wilson's Warbler; 8-23, Bay- breasted Warbler; 9-18, Blue-headed V'ireo; 12, American Merganser; May 12 to June 8, Connecticut Warbler; May 13, Wood Duck* and Prothonotary Warbler;* 13-27, Olive- sided FIj'catcher; 15, American Osprey;* 18, Philadelphia Vireo;* 18-27, Mourning Warbler;* 19, Harris' Sparrow, Belted Piping Plover* (?) and Forster's Tern ;* 20-25. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher; 21, Yellow-headed Blackbird;* May 24 to June 5, White- eyed Vireo.* Latest dates of departure of winter residents and early spring migrants: March 17.
- Summer resident in northern Illinois.