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32 Bird -Lore

GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS Time, lo a. m. to 12 m., 1.30 to 4 v. m. Cloudy; wiiiil west, fresh; temp., 12 1,° M., 1712 Prairie Hen, 8 (one covey); Downy Woodpecker, 2; Blue Jay, 7; Crow, 17; Tree Sparrow, i; White-breasted Niithatcli, i; Cliickadee, 19. Total, 7 species, 55 indi- viduals. — B. T. Gault. NORTH FREEDOM, SAUK CO., WIS. Time, 8.50 A. M. to 11. 10 a. m. Cloudy, some snow; wind, northwest, medium; temp., 16°. Bob-White, 15; Hairy Woodpecker, 7; Downy Woodpecker, i; Red-bellied Woodpecker, i; Blue Jay, i; American Goldfinch, 31; Tree Sparrow, 30; Junco, i; Brown Creeper, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 4; Chickadee, ii; Golden -crowned Kinglet, i. Total, 12 species, 105 individuals. Had tiie day been favorable, ('rows, Evening Grosbeaks, and Ruffed Grouse would have been seen in considerable numbers. — Alick Wetmore. LA GRANGE, MO. Time, 9 A. m. to 12 M. Cloudv, sun seen at times; wind, west, steady; temp., 25°. Hairy Woodpecker, 5; Downy 'oodpecker, 6; Red-bellied Woodpecker, 4; Flicker, i; Blue Jay, 14; Crow, 15; Purple Finch, 15; Tree Sparrow, i; Junco, 75; Cardinal, 9; Northern Shrike, i; Tufted Titmouse, 18; Chickadee, 30; White- breasted Nuthatch. 7. Total, 14 species, 186 individuals. — SuSAN M. JoHNSON. BALDWIN, LA. Observed from the house during five hours. Clear; wind, west, light; temp., 9 A. M., 42°. Killdeer, 2; Turkey Buzzard, 2; Blue Jay, 6; Grackle, 200; Red-winged Black- bird, 500; Carolina Wren, i; Mockingbird, 3; Carolina Chickadee heard. Total, 8 species, 715 individuals. — Mrs. L. G. Baldwin. PUEBLO, COLO. Time, 11 a. m. to 1.30 p. .i. Clear; wind, southeast, light; temp., 34°. Ferruginous Rough-leg, 2 ; Red-shafted Flicker, 4; Desert Horned Lark, thousands, in man}' large, scattered flocks; American Magpie, i; Woodhouse's Jay, 3; Red-winged Blackbird, one flock of about 20; House Finch, about 50; Western Tree Sparrow, about 100; Pink-sided Junco, about 75; Arctic Towhee, 2; Canon Towhee, i; Northern Shrike, i, carrying Horned Lark; Gray Titmouse, 2. — H. W. Nash. PACIFIC GROVE, xMONTEREY CO., CAL. {IVatcr birJs not huliuicd) Time, 10 a. m. to 12 M. Wind, north, light; temp., 60°. California Quail, small flock; Band-tailed pigeon, large flock, 200; Western Red- tail, i; Burrowing Owl, i; California Woodpecker, 3; Lewis' Woodpecker, i; Red- shafted Flicker, 20; Dusky Poor-will, i; Anna's Hummingbird, 3 (sings); Say's Phoebe, i; Black Phcebe, 4; Coast Jay, 10 (sings); California Jay, many; American Crow, i; Western Meadowlark, i; Brewer's Blackbird, 10; Nuttall's Sparrow, 6; Golden-crowned

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