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A Christmas Bird Census


olive' shrub about one and a half feet from the ground, where they con- structed a new nest which on the 23d contained one egg, on the 24th two, and on the 26th four, this completing the set. The male, who for weeks had uttered only the harsh, unmusical call characteristic of the species, now sang beautifully in the early morning. The fate of the last nest we unfortunately do not know, as on June 28 we left for the season, but the observations already made show that at least three families were started by this pair of Mockingbirds in a season. Copyiighl by -•/. 'Kadclyffe Duj^mnre F'hotographed from life YOUNG MOCKINGBIRDS A Christmas Bird Census The interest aroused by BiRD- Lore's Christmas Kird Census last year (see BiRD-I.ORE for December, 1900, and February, 1901) suggests a repe- tition of this modern development of the 'Side Hunt,' on December 2S, IQOI, when we hope those of our readers who have the opportunity will take to the field and send us, the same day, the results of their observa- tions. Such reports should be headed by a brief statement of the character of the weather, the force and tlirection of the wind, hour of starting, with the temperature, and of returning. Then should follow, in the order of the A. (). U. 'Check-List,' a list of the species of birds seen, with exactly or approximately the nuinlnr of nidiviiluals of each species recordeil.

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