Book News and Reviews
The Birds of Andover. Prepared by Howard I. Ford. Published by the School Department. The Andover [Mass.] Press. 1900. lamo. 19 pages. This little pamphlet was prepared for the use of the "teachers and pupils in the An- dover schools," and, the prefatory note further states, its "chief aim is to give in- formation of local value which cannot be found in other handbooks." Having so clearly in mind tiie principal office of a local list, we are not surprised to find that the author has succeeded in presenting his facts in a definite, detailed, and still con- densed manner. The form adopted, a ruled page with the bird's name at the left and annotations in succeeding columns and with blanks for suljsequent records, admits of the presenta- tion of a large amount of information in a small space and consequently at a small cost, and we commend it, with the substance of the list itself, to every one having in mind the preparation of local lists for students. — F. M. C. Birds I H.ave Seen. New York: Dodd, Mead &c Co. 1901. i6mo. 169 pages. Price, 50 cts. This little book has lieen issueil with the admirable object of encouraging the making of notes in the field. Under the headings of "Dates," "Where Seen," "Appearance," "Habits," "The Female," "Its Note," etc., spaces are left to be filled by the student. The book is of convenient size and attractive appearance, but it docs not seem to us to have been prepared by a person who has had actual field experience in using a note -book of this character. — F. M. C. Digest of G.ame L.wvs for 1901. Bulletin No. 16, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey. By T. S. Pai.mrr and H. V. Oi.ds. Washington. Cjovernnicnt Printing Office. 1901. 8vo. 150 pages. 8 plates. Tiiis"is practically a complete digest of existing federal, state and provincial laws relating to the capture, shipments and sale of game" ( preface I , and its publication by the g() irninrnt a-- ;in ntlicial docuiin-nt gives to it an authoritativeness second only to the laws themselves. The game laws of the land are thus made so readily accessible that ignorance of their provisions is inexcusable on the part of either sportsmen, game dealers, or transpor- tation companies. Of the latter, especially, it may be said with truth that ' the game is not worth the candle ' and once informed of the requirements of the law they will make no attempt to evade them. This bulletin, therefore, will be welcomed by every one interested in preserving our rapidly decreas- ing game birds and mammals. — F. M. C. The Ornithological Magazines The Auk. — ' The Auk ' for July is with- out an illustration for the first time in many a day, containing, however, its usual array of papers, reviews and notes. There is a list of 91 summer 'Birds of the Black Hills,' by Merritt Gary, and another of 42 'Winter Birds of Pea Island, N. C' by Louis B. Bishop, both being of the familiar annotated type. Some ' Unpub- lished Letters of Wm. MacGillivray to John James Audubon,' by Ruthven Deane, will be read with interest. Herbert Brown writes on 'Bendire's Thrasher,' dealing al- most wholly with statistics of nests and eggs, and several new races of birds are described by various authors. ' The Resi- dent Land Birds of Bermuda ' are discussed by Outram Bangs and Thomas S. Bradlee, who conclude that four of the seven indig- enous birds are sufficiently distinct from their continental brethren to be described as new species. Lack of specimens for com- parison of the other three species seems to have saved Bermuda from being furnished with a complete new local avifauna. A score of pages is devoted to a tenth supplement to the A. O. U. check-list with a fresh stirring about of names, the tenth since 1886. Tiie question suggests itself. Might not more stability of nomenclature be attained by less frequent rulings of the com- mittee ? — quincjuennial reports, for in- stance. N'ewly described forms, like wine, ought to improve or spoil by keeping and otiur (|ui->lioiis :iri- imi >n prcvsing. I'p-to-