The Birds of a Marsh 131
deserted by the birds, excepting a few Green Herons, a Kingfisher, Pec- toral, Semi-pahnated Plover and about a dozen Least and Semi-palmated Sandpipers. September 13. In the bushes were Maryland Yellowthroats, which gave an imitation of their spring song, some immature Hlackpoll Warblers, Purple Finches and a pair of Phoebes. September ig, a pair of Black Ducks flew over, and a pair of Mourning Doves joined the shorebirds, Robins and Cowbirds on the mud. September 21, saw an Indigo Bunting in a bad state of molt in the cattails. A Cooper's Hawk was soaring about, then alighted on a stump. I was watching it with my glass, when suddenly a mink ran up the stump and grabbed it. The Hawk started to fly and was pulled to the ground, but_ before I could get to them it broke loose and flew away. White - throated Sparrows made their appearance in the bushes Sep- tember 22. October g two lovely Pectorals stood at the edge of a small pool, and in the bushes were Blackpolled (immature) and Myrtle Warblers, White- throated, Song, Swamp and a few White-crowned Sparrows, a Hermit Thrush, Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers, White-breasted Nuthatch, some Chickadees and Rusty Crackles. At dusk flocks of Robins, Cowbirds and Redwings gathered in the alders to roost. October 22, an American Pipit was feeding near a flock of Pectorals, and I flushed a pair of Wilson's Snipe from the edge of the weeds. Saw a Ruby -crowned Kinglet in the bushes. October 2g, a Long-tailed Duck was swimming in the shallow water, and an Osprey stood on the partly eaten body of a Horned Grebe, where he was bothered by a flock of Crows. November 12 was a cold, windy day, and I saw only a few Song and Tree Sparrows, a couple of Killdeers and a Pectoral. During the season I had observed 61 species about this marsh and in the years i8g6, 'gy and 'g8, 30 species which were not seen this year making a total of gi species seen about this marsh. The 30 species not mentioned before were: Red-shouKlercd Hawk, Pied - billed Grebe. American Herring Cjull, Least ami Black Terns, American and Least Bitterns, Coot, Greater Yellowlegs, Red -backed Sand- piper, Marsh Hawk, Bald Eagle, Nighthawk, Tree, Chipping, Wsper and Arcadian Sparrows, Nashville, Yellow. Magnolia and Black ami Wiiite Warblers, American Golden Kc- and Wood Duck, Rub -throated Hum- ming-bird, Slate-colored Junco, Sora, Wood Pewee, Least FlNcatclier, Meadow -lark and Golden -crested Kinglet.