< Page:Bird-lore Vol 03.djvu
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i/irif.ni/i i;/ Hawk, Broaci-wiiised, rigiired, 189 ; Cooper's, ^ij^, figured, i8q ; Duck, figured, 1S9 ; Fkawaiian, 125; Marsh, figured, 189; Pigeon, figured, 189; Red- Shouldered, figured, 189; Red-Tailed, figured, 189; Rough-Legged, figured, 189; Sharp-Shinned, 175. figured, 189; Sparrow, 175, figured, 1S9; Swainson's, figured, 1S9. Heron, European, figured, 162; Great Blue, 129; green. 141. Hen, Heath, 82. Herrick, Professor, 161, 179. Hine, C. D., 181. Hoffmann, Ralph, 81, 82, 179, 218. Howe and Allen's ' Birds of Massachusetts," re- viewed, 143. Humminghird, figured, Sg, 90, 91, 108, 141, 1S7. liwi, 122. Illinois, 26, ;,2, 65, 80, 102, 14S, 166, 17s. lo, 153- Jay, Canada, 192. Jordan and Kellogg's 'Animal Life,' re iewed, 35. Kansas, 80. Keartons' ' Our Bird I'riends,' reviewed, ;/>. Kentucky, 80, 146. Key, Cones', 37. Kittiwake, 46, figured, 152. Klondike, iqs. Lacey I-aw, 78, 79. Lark, Prairie Horned, figured, 54. LcL-ture, traveling, <S2. Libby, O. G., 150. Libraries, traveling, 182. Louisiana, 32, 80, 192. MacGillivrav , William, 12. Maine, 78, 82, io8, 1 13, 1S4. Manitoba, 145. Marsh, birds of, 129. Massachusetts, Si, 173, 174. Michigan, 80. Migration, 120, 138, 170. Migration, iiuestions on, 27, 67. Migration (See Birds and Seasons). Milliners, 1,50. Minnesota, 50, 53, So. Missouri, 32, 183. Mockingbird, 192, figured, T93. Molt, the, 138. Morris' ' Birds of Sprin.gfield," reviewed, 176. Murres, 46, figured, 44. 48. Murre, Common, figured, 152; Briinnicks, figured, 157- Mynah, 119. ' Nature Study,' 17S. Nestin.g-habits, 105, 1,38. Nesting, questions on, 28. New Brunswick, 29. New Hampshire, 28, 29, 113, 142, 160, 17.S. New Jersey, 23, 24, 30, 31, 61, 99, 108, 113, 132, 133, 141, 174. New York, 18, 23, .30, 41, 54, 61, 78, 82, 85, 88, 99, 110, 129, 133, 164, 172. New York Zoological Society, .34, i.S9, 1(12, 190. Nicholson, M. P., no. Nighthavvk, 126, figured, 126, 127, 12S. Noddy, 120. North Carolina, 177. Note-book, 68. Nuthatch, White-breasted, fi.gurcd, 18; 74. Ohio, 25, 31, 64, 80, loi, 133, 165. Omao, 124. ()o, 124. Origin of Species, 78. Oriole, Orchard, 93. ' Osprey, The,' reviewe<l, 77, 144, 178. Osprey, 184. Ou, 123. Owl, Acadian, .s.s, fi.gured, ,56, .=,7; Barred, no, fig- ured, 189; Hawk, fi.gured, 189; Horned, figured, 189; Long-Eared, fi.gured, 189; Screech. 74, fig- ured, I.S9, 189; Short-Eared, figured, 189. Oven-bird, figured, 13, 40. Palmer and Olds' ' Digest of (".anie Laws,' re- viewed, 177; 'Laws Regulating the Transporta- tion of Game,' noticed, 37. Palmer, T. S., 78, 82, 113, 149. Pelican, Brown, figured, 2, 4, ,s, 6, 7, 8. Pelican, Island, ;;. Pelican, White, 188. Pennsylvania, 24, 3T, 63, 73, ion, 133, 141, i4f>, 165. Petrel, Leach's, figured, i.s2. Pewee, Wood, 33. Phcebe, 85 ; figureil, 86, 87, 88. Pliolography, 161, 174, 194. Plover, 119, 120, 187. Ptarmigan, White-Tailed, figured, 1S6. Puffin, figured, i,s2. Pulfiii, Tufted, 48. Ralph. W. 1.., lo.s. Raven, 184, 196. Redpolls, U), 197, 198. Reading for Season, 28, 6g, 105, 139, 170. Rice Bird, 119. Robin, 108, 198. Robins, Mrs. Edward, no. Sapsucker, Yellow-bilU-d, figured, 199. Scott, W. E. D., 214. Selous" 'Bird Watchin.g,' reviewed, 176. Seton-Thompson, Ernest, 17S, 214. Seton-Tliomiison and IIolYmann's 'Bird Portraits," reviewed, in. Skinner, Charles K., Si. Snowbuntings, U|S. Soii.g, 28, 13S, 170, 214. Song-bird reservations, n]. South Carolina, So.' Sparrow, LeConle's, in. Sparrow, Nelson's, figureil. 171. Sparrow, Sung, .sS.

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