Birds and Seasons 105
Western Wood Pewee, Western Flycatcher, Little Flycatcher, Mexican Horned Lark, Vellow-billed Magpie, California Jay, American Crow, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Bicolored Blackbird, Tricolored Blackbird, Western Meadovvlark, Bullock's Oriole, Brewer's Blackbird, House Finch, American Goldfinch, Arkansas Goldfinch, Western Lark Sparrow, Western Chipping Sparrow, Herman's Song Sparrow, English Sparrow, Spurred Towhee, Californian Towhee, Black-headed Grosbeak, Western Blue Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting, Western Martin, Cliff Swallow, Barn Swallow, Tree Swallow, Phain- opepla, California Shrike, Warbling Vireo, Hutton's Vireoo, Least Vire, Yellow Warbler, Western Yellow-throat, Long-tailed Chat, Californian Thrasher, Vigor's Wren, Park- man's Wren, Tule Wren, Slender-billed Nuthatch, Plain Titmouse, Pallid Wren-tit, Californian Bush-tit, Western Gnatcatcher, Russet-backed Thrush, Western Bluebird. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SEASON'S STUDY [We learn with much pleasure that Dr. W. L. Ralph, who succeeded Major Bendire as Honorary Curator of the Section of Birds' Eggs in the National Museum, has undertaken the continuation of Major Bendire's great work, entitled the "Life Histories of North American Birds." Dr. Ralph has therefore issued a list of ques- tions concerning the nesting habits of birds, and as the subject is directly in line with Biru-Lore's "Birds and Season" articles we give the list in full below.] QUESTIONS RELATING TO BIRDS' AND BIRDS EGGS (i) The average number of eggs in a set or clutch? (2) The largest number of eggs in one nest? (3) The earliest date of nesting? (4) The latest date of nesting? (5) Whether this species has one or more broods in a season? (6) The favorite site of nest when on the ground ? (7) The location of nest when found in a tree or bush ? (8) The kind of a tree or shrub for which this species has a preference ? (9) The height of the nest above the ground? (10) The period of incubation, if known? (11) Any unusual nesting sites which have come under your observation ? (12) The various call notes and songs, so far as you are able to describe them? (13) The kinds of localities most frequented by this species during the breeding season? (14) Whether or not this species is a constant resident? (15) The dates of arrival and departure, if migratory? (16) Whether this species is as abundant now as formerly? (17) The principal causes of increase or decrease in abundance? (18) Any change in its habits which you may have noted? (19) Whether the nest is built by the male, the female, or both? (20) W'lietluT the process of incubation is performed In the male, the female, or both? (21) Whether the young are cared iur by the male, the female, or both ? (^22) Com- position of nest? (23) Remarks on the general habits of this species (especially during the breeding season), its food, care of young, etc. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SEASONS READING Thoreau : 'Summer.' Burroughs: 'In the Hemlocks' and "Birds' Nests' in 'Wake Robin"; " Birds' -Nesting ' in 'Locusts and Wild Honey'; The Tragedies of the Nests' in 'Signs and Seasons'; 'Birds' Eggs'; 'Bird Courtship' in 'Riverbv.' Torrey: ' Conrfcssicms of a Bird-Xest Hunter' in 'A Rambler's Lease" ; and 'June in Francohia ' in 'The Foot-path Wav.' F"lagg: 'June' and "July,' in " . Year with the Birds." Miller ; ' In Nesting Time," 'Little Brothers of the Air," ' . Bird-Lover in the West,' 'Upon the Tree-Tops.' Merriam: ' My Summer in a Mormon Village,' 'A-Birding on a Mronro." Keeler: 'Summer Hirds of the Redwoods' and 'In Nesting-Tiiiu- ' in ' Itlid- N'otis .Miild.' Croikeit : June' ;in.l ' juK ' in ' . earixuik of Kintuckv Woods :uu I'iilds."