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M r. (■hii|)i.s aiul Miss Jfiiiis ,' reifwed, Abbott, C. C, no. Advisor>- Couiuil, 20. Akakani, 122. Akepeleiiie, 12.). Akialoa, 125. Akipoloai), 125. Alala, 158. Aniakilii, i2,v American Oriiilliolot^^ists' I'liioii, 9, ir, .■^y, 39, 175, 179, 210, 214. Astlcy's ' Birds in I'recdom and Capli il ,' re- viewed, i/l.^. Atiduhoti Coiil'ereiue, iSi, 217, 21S. Audiilioii, John J , 9, iii. Audul)i>n, J. W , 13, 14, 17. Andul)oii, Maria R , 9, lo. Audubon, N'iclor, 16 Audubon Societies, Reports of (see under Secreta- ries, Authors' Index). Auklet, I'aroquet, 49. Auk, Razor-hilled, ("iji^ured, 152. Auk, Phe, reieved, 37, 111, 177, 213. Habcock's ' I'inl l)a ,' reviewed, 11 1. Kabson's ' Hirds ot Princeton,' re iewed, 177. Baily, VV. 1... i-' Kerinuda Hiijneirs ■43- Bird Hay, 182. Bird Census, 29, 106, 171. Birtl Laws, 42, 7S, 79, 113, 146, 14S, iSo. Bir<l-nestinj{, SS. Bird Protection, 179. I5ir<l Rock, 175. Birds and Seasons, 22, 59, 9S, 133, 163. Birds' Bath, 74. Birds' Kxgs, 105. ' Biids 1 Have Seen,' rev iewed, 176. Birds, Increase in, 1S3. Birds, Marks of, 1.S7. Bittern, .American, 173. Bluebird, linured, 194, Uis Blue Jay, 50, figured, 50, 51, 52, 53, 74. Bob-White. 82. Bumpus, H. f.,82, 21.S. BunlitiK. Indigo, 9;. Burroughs. John, K, SS, 178. California, ,, 104, 1 12, 13s. Camera, 3, 11/4. Canaila, J'i. Cedarhird, Km. Cliapman, I-" rank M., Si, 82, :i.). Chebec, 1(10. Check-Msl, A (1. I'., 31,. Chickadee, Blai k-capped, |S, 74, 197. Choo, hkicu). Colorado, 32, 80. Condor, The, reviewed, 76, 112, 144, 213. Coruiecticut, 30, 115, 126, iSi. Cooper Ornithological Club, 1 12. Cormorants, 48, figured, 49. Coues, Elliott, portrait of, ir. Creeper, Brown, 73. Crockett's ' Year Book.' reviewed, 7<'). Crossbills, 210. Crossbills, 'hilc-vvingeil, 197. Curlew, 188. Curlew, Bristle-thighed, 120. Darwin, Charles, 78. Delaware, 78, So, 113, 14S. Deiislow, H. C . 17.S. District of Columbia, 78, 113. Dutcher, William, 37, 42, 78, 82, 113, 149, 214. Dwight's 'Sequence of Molts and Plumages,' re- viewed, 35. Eagle, Bald, figured, 34. 184. Eaton's ' Birds of Western Xew ^'ork,' reviewed. 75- Eckstorm's ' The Bird Book.' revieweil, 75; ' The Woodpeckers,' reviewed, iii. Elepaio, 153. English Law, 184. ICnlarging. 13.?. Kasliion, 40. I'eigning Woumlcd. 12S. I'inch, I'ine, figured, 33. Fisher, E. W., no. Flicker, 91, figured, 92. Ked-shafled, 198. I'lorida, 3. 94. n3, 183. l'"ord's ' Birds of .iidover,' reviewed, 177. Fuertes. I.. A.. 37. 1 laiiK- I'reserve, i i.s. Caiiiiel, figured, 152. (Hildlinch, American, 19. ("loshawk, figured, i8i). (■.rinncH's ' Birds of Kol/ekuc Souinl,' revieweil. C.rosbcak. Rose-breasted, 17.1. ('•rouse. Blue, i'i7. Ciiouse. Canada, M7. Cioiise, klllled, S2. I.(S. Ciull, Burgomaster, 4(1. likjiiied. 48. ('■ull Case, 42. Ciull. I'Vanklins. I4.s. ("■nils, llerring. S2, iS4. Ilallock Bill, 41. Hals, l-'ashion in. |i'. Hawaii, 1 19. (v)

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