I04 Bird-Lore
Scarcely has this month commenced to subside before the first indi- cations of the fall migration have set in. With us the Solitary Sandpiper always takes tlie lead, followed in turn by other members of the wadins^ famil', early thouo;h it may seem to be. BIRDS OF THE SEASON Summer resident, exclusive of permanent residence, species (for which see Bird- Lore, Dec, 1900, p. 187) near Glen Ellyn, Illinois, from data collected during the past nine years, earliest dates of arrival being given: Jan. 21, Cedarbird; Jan. 24, Meadow-lark; Jan. 25, American Robin; Feb. 19, Bluebird and Red-headed Woodpecker; March 3, Killdeer; March 8, Song Sparrow; March 12, Mourning Dove and Red-winged Blackbird; March 17, Bronzed Grackle; March 18, Cow bird ; March 20, Flicker; March 21, Phoebe; March 28, Martin; April I, Kingfisher; April 3, Grass Finch; April 4, Field Sparrow and White-rumped Shrike; April 5, Chipping Sparrow; April 7, Pied-billed Grebe and Chewink; April 8, Black-crowned Night Heron and Savanna Sparrow; April 10, Bartramian Sandpiper; April 12, Marsh Hawk; April 14, Carolina Rail; April 16, Kingbird; April 17, Brown Thrasher and Barn Swallow; April 19, American Bittern, King Rail and Spotted Sandpiper; April 22, Chimney Swift and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher; April 23, Tree Swallow; April 25, Eave Swallow, Green Heron and Virginia Rail; April 26, Baltimore Oriole; April 27, Bobolink and Rose-breasted Grosbeak; April 28, Oven- bird and Orchard Oriole; April 29, Catbird; April 30, Yellow Warbler, Wood Thrush and Scarlet Tanager; May i, Night Hawk, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Crested Fly- catcher, Warbling Vireo, Indigo Bird, Chestnut-sided and Blue-winged Yellow War- blers; May 2, Yellow-throated Vireo and Maryland Yellow-throat; May 3, Dickcissel, American Redstart and House Wren; May 4, Grasshopper Sparrow; May 5, Red-eyed V^ireo; May 6, Acadian and Least Flycatchers; May 7, Black-billed Cuckoo; May 8, Short-billed Marsh Wren and Henslow's Sparrow; May 9, Wood Pewee ; May 10, Yellow-breasted Chat; May 11, Cerulean Warbler; May 15, Yellow-billed Cuckoo; May 18, Traill's Flycatcher; June 5, American Woodcock; breeding records for Least Bittern, Long-billed Marsh Wren and Lark Sparrow. SUMMER BIRDS OF STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA Bv LVMAN BEI.niNG Water Birds which probably breed within ten miles of Stockton, though extensive reclamation of tule marsh makes their presence uncertain: Western Grebe, Forster's Tern, American Black Tern, Farallone Cormorant, Mallard, Cinnamon Teal, Gadwell, Wood Duck, Ruddy Duck, Fulvous Tree Duck, White-faced Glossy Ibis, American Bittern, Least Bittern, (ireat Blue Heron, Amer- ican Egret, Snowy Heron, Green Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron, Sandhill Crane (rarely), Florida Ciallinule, American Coot, Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Killdeer. Land birds w-hich breed near Stockton, California: Valley Partridge, Mourning Dove, Turkey 'ulture. White-tailed Kite, Marsh Hawk, Western Red-tailed Hawk, Red-bellied Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, (Golden Eagle, American Sparrow Hawk, American Barn Owl, California Screech Owl, Burrowing Owl, Belted Kingfisher, Gairdner's Woodpecker, Nuttall's Woodpecker, Californian Woodpecker, Lewis' Woodpecker, Red-shafted Flicker, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Anna's Hummingbird, Arkansas Kingbird, Ash -throated Flvcatcher, Black Phoebe