Index Lewis, Elizabeth II., The A. B. C. of Rinl-Lore, 70. Lockwood, Emma II., Secretary, Report of, 41. Lucas, Frederic A.. Walrus Island, A Hiid Me- tropolis of Bering Sea, 45. Marrs, Mrs. Kiii.i^smill, Kei)ort of, 2;o. McCormick, L. M., A December Record, 33. Mead, E. M., Taming: a Nuthatch, 209. Mickle, Anna A., A Christmas Bird Census, 31. Moody, Grace R., Librarian. Report of, 183. Moore, Wni. H., A Christmas Bird Census, 29. Nash, H. W., A Christmas Bird Census, 32. Nicholson, Mary Parker, The Spencer F. Baird Club, no. Newkii-k, Garrett, The Wood Thrush, 87; Song of the Whippoorwill, 107; For Our Encourage- ment, 1S3. Palmer, T. S., Reviews by, 76; 112; 144; 213 ; Some Fundamental Principles of Bird Laws, 79. Paschall, Mary R., A Christmas Bird Census, 31. Peabody, P. B., Saw-whet Homes, 55. Peckham, Elizabeth G., Sec'y, Report of, 149. Pellet, Emily B., A Talking Rose-breasted Gros- beak 174. Prendergast, J. F., A Christmas Bird Census, 31. Richards, Harriet E., Sec' , Reports of, Si ; 219. Roberts, Thos. S., Photographs by, 50, 51, 52,53. 199. Robins, Julia Stockton, Sec'y, Report of, 142. Rogers, Charles H., A Christmas Bird Census, 30. Rollins, William, Phnlograph by, 97. Seeley, James (see Wetmore, Alick). Seton- Thompson, Ernest, Recognition Marks of Birds, iS-. Sinnolt. Ednnmd W., My Bird Restaurant, 202. Slosson, Annie Trumbull, A Sudden Friendship, 94. Sprague, Lynn Tew, The Song Sparrow, 3S; On Hearing a Winter Wren in Winter, 199. Stone, Witmer, February and March Bird -Life near Philadelphia, 24; A Christmas Bird Census, 31; April and May Bird-Life near Philadelphia, 63; Jinie and July Bird-Life near Philadeli)hia, 100; August and September Bird-Life near Phila- deljihia, 135; October and November Bird-Life near Philadelphia, 165. Stupp, P'rederick J., A Christmas Bird Census, 30. Thayer, Mis. Harriet C., Our Blue Jay Neighbors, 50- Thompson, C. P.., and Justice II., A Christmas Bin I Census, 31. Town, Juliet E. G.. Sec., Report of, 220. Vanderpool, Mrs. I., Sec'y, Report of, 1S3. 'an Name, W. G., A Connecticut Game Preserx c, U.S. 'an Sant, I". A., .
Atlirondaok Lmich Countei ,
iS; Early Larks. 54. Wetmore, Alick, A Christmas Bird Census, 32. Wetmore, Alick and Seeley, James, A June Bird Census at North F'reedom, Wis., 172. Wright, II. W., A Christmas Bird Census, 29. Wright, Mabel Osgood, Editorials, 40; 79; 114 146; 180, 217.