the lectures adding materially to its income, as there are no dues of any kind connected with membership. The second annual report appeared in November, 1898, and announces an increase of 1,100 members during the year. It referred to the fact that as a direct result of the ‘Hat Show’ several of the best milliners had established special Audubon departments. Lectures were given in many parts of the state with most satisfactory results, and finally, the cooperation of school teachers was solicited to observe May 5, 1899, as Bird-Day. A course of five lectures, by Mr. Stone, will be given this year at the Acorn Club, Philadelphia, beginning March 16. A number of new slides have been bought by the society to illustrate these lectures, and the course promises to be more interesting than ever. Since the second report was issued seven new local secretaries have been secured, making 42 in all. It is hoped that this number will be doubled during the coming year, for as the membership, which is now nearly 3,800, continues to increase, the need of workers throughout the state becomes more important every day.
Julia Stockton Robins, Sec′y.
In 1889 the Indiana Academy of Science appointed a committee, of which I was chairman, to secure the passage of a satisfactory law for bird protection. The committee accomplished nothing. It was continued, and in 1891 secured the enactment of the enclosed law. The Academy of Science has, through its efforts in the way of advancing science work in the public schools of the state, encouraged and taught bird protection. In this it has had, since 1890, the co-öperation of the Indiana Horticultural Society.
In 1897 at different times several bodies were interested in the movement in favor of bird protection. These appointed committees. These committees united in a call for a meeting to be held at Indianapolis. A programme was prepared, and the meeting held in the State House April 26, 1898. I send you a copy of the call and programme ; also of the constitution of the Indiana Audubon Society. The Governor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction have both been much interested, and as a consequence Bird Day and Arbor Day were celebrated October 28, 1898. The “Outline of Township Institute Work” has gone into the hands of every teacher and school officer in the state . . . You will see that the work we are doing is practical, even though it is not so much as some States are accomplishing. I have not the enrollment or statement of publications issued, but counting the issue of the State Department of Public Instruction, 20,000 copies of different articles, at least, have been distributed.
Amos W. Butler, Sec′y.
The past year has shown a very marked improvement as the results of bird protection and the general work of our Illinois Audubon Society. While the fashion for decorating hats with feathers still continues, yet there is a very noticeable decrease in the display of aigrettes and the feathers of wild birds. I have visited the establishments of several of our Chicago wholesale milliners and find that the larger portion of their stock, this fall, is made up of the feathers of the domestic fowl and game birds. Our Audubon Society has had two public meetings this year, which were well attended, and the interest in its work has rather increased than abated. Our membership has increased to 3,426. We have liberally distributed leaflets, including 500 of our circulars, stating the purpose of the society, to the editors of local newspapers in the state, with request that they aid the society by publishing same and calling attention to it editorially.
On February 7, 1898, an Interstate Convention was held in Chicago, represented by the game and fish wardens, and delegates appointed by the legislatures of the six states which responded to the call. At