The February Walk Contest
WE have been delighted with the interest aroused by our request for descriptions of February walks, and in imagination have enjoyed outings throughout a large part of the United States with our little correspondents.
We have found ourselves obliged to give two prizes, one of which goes to Mildred A. Robinson, of Waltham, Massachusetts, whose essay will appear in our next number; the other to Floyd C. Noble, of New York City, whose description of a walk in Central Park appears in this issue of Bird-Lore.
Much to his surprise, the Editor found that he was competing for the prize he himself had offered! He had written an account of some Central Park birds for this department before Master Noble′s article was received, and is obliged to confess that Master Noble mentions several species which he had not observed. He, therefore, presents only that part of his manuscript relating to the Chickadee, and leaves Master Noble to tell of the other birds in the Park.
The selection of the winning essays was made with much difficulty, and, in addition to the two chosen, we would especially commend those written by the following named boys and girls:
Philip Baker, Indianapolis, Ind.; Harriet J. Benton, New Bedford, Mass.; Zelda Brown, Yuma, Ariz.; Donald Bruce, East Hampton, Mass.; Walter S. Chansler, Bicknell, Ind.; Marion Flagg, go Washington St., Hartford, Conn.; Charles B. Floyd, Brookline, Mass.; Kathryn Gibbs, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Albert Linton, Moorestown, N. J.; Clara T. Magee, Moorestown, N. J.; George S. Mac Nider, Chapel Hill, N. C.; Barnard Powers, Melrose, Mass.; Elden Smith, Milville, Mass; Lydia Sharpless, Haverford, Pa.—Ed.
(Aged 14 years)
ON February 18, 1890, my friend and I started out ‘bird-hunting,’ as usual, in the ‘Ramble.’ Central Park. It was during the comparatively warm spell after the blizzard of the 12th, and the preceding zero weather. On the way we saw a Starling, perched high on a building, trying to sing. On entering the Park we saw a White-throated Sparrow. I have seen this species more times than any other this month—of course, excepting the common Sparrow.
On nearing our ‘hunting-grounds,’ we heard the familiar ‘cree-e’ of a Brown Creeper, and soon discovered the little fellow hard at work, as usual. A little later we came upon the beautiful Cardinal, with his two wives. It is a fact that there are one male and two