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Bird- Lore Book News In the future we propose to devote part of Bird-Lore's increased space to brief reviews of the contents of the leading ornithological journals, and in carrying out this plan we have been fortunate in securing the assistance of ornithologists whose cooperation is an assurance of our success in presenting a critical resume of current literature relating to birds. Thus, Dr. J. Dwight, Jr., will review 'The Auk,' Dr. T. S. Palmer, 'The Condor,' and Dr. A. K. Fisher, ' The Osprey ' and ' Wilson Bulletin.' The book reviews will, of course, be continued, and, so far as human nature permits, they will be just and impartial, according to the reviewer's light ; con- demnation as well as praise being given when it seems deserved. The attention of authors of local lists and other papers on field ornithology is called to our effort to place them in com- munication with students to whom their publications would be of especial assist- ance (see page i8i). The Massachusetts Audubon Society has issued a new edition of its attractive Audubon Calendar, which contains twelve colored plates of birds and short articles on the months by as many well-known writers. Copies of it may be obtained for seventy-five cents from Harriet E. Richards, Secretary, 234 Berkeley Street, Boston. Bird photographs continue to occupy an increasing space in current literature. The New England Magazine contains an article by Sarah J. Eddy entitled ' The Robin's Nest,' illustrated by twenty-five excellent photographs which graphically depict the life of the nest from the period of incubation until the young were old enough to fly ; and the first number of ' The World's Work ' publishes twenty- three photographs by A. Radclyffe Dug- more, several of which are by far the best examples we have seen of this skil- ful photographer's work, if, indeed, they are not the best things of the kind which have been made in this country. Copies of the first-named article may be ob- tained for ten cents by addressing Box 9, Bristol Ferry, R. I. The program of papers presented at the Eighteenth Congress of the American Ornithologists' Union held in Cambridge, Mass., November 12-15, included the following twenty-seven titles : In Memoriam : Elliott Coues. D. G. Elliot. In Memoriam : George B. Sennett. J. A. Allen. The Sequence of Molts and Plumages of the LayidcE (Gulls and Terns). Jonathan Dwight, Jr. A Study of the Genus SturneUa. Frank M. Ch.pivi. . The Pterylosis of Podargus : with Further Notes on the Pterylography of the Caprimulgidte . Hubert Lyman Clark. The Molt of the North American Shore Birds {LimicolcB). Jonathan Dwight, Jr. Nesting of the Yellow-headed Blackbird. Illus trated by lantern slides. Thomas S. Roberts. Among the Terns at Muskeget, and on the New Jersey Coast. Illustrated by lantern slides. Wm. L. Baily. The Season of iqoo at the Magdalen Islands ; with remarks on Bird Photography. Illustrated by lantern slides. Herbert K. Job. Field Notes on a few New England Birds. Illus- trated by lantern slides. William Brewster. Dooryard Ornithology. John N. Clark. The "American Ornithologists' Union " of 1840-45. Witmer Stone. Notes on the Spring Migration (1900) at Scar- borough, N. Y. Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Exhibition of Unpublished Water-color Paintings of Birds. Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Impressions of Some Hawaiian Birds. H. W. Henshaw. A Visit to the Birthplace of Audubon. O. Wid- mann. Natural History of the Alaskan Coast. Illustrated by lantern slides. C. Hart Merriam. Notes on a Nest of Massachusetts Brown Creep- ers. Illustrated by lantern slides. A. P. Ch.'VD- BOURNE. Bird Studies with a Camera. Illustrated by lan- tern slider. Frank M. Chapman. Exhibition of Lantern Slides of Birds' Nests and Nesting Haunts, From Nature. Members. Aptosochromatism. A reply to Drs. Dwight and Allen. Francis J. Birtwell. On the Breeding Habits of Leconte's Sparrow. P. B. Peabodv. On the Value of Careful Observations of Birds" Habits. Edward H. Forbush. Breeding of the Cerulean Warbler near Baltimore. Frank C. Kirkwood. Report of the A. O. U. Committee on the Protec- tion of North American Birds. Witmer Stone. Results of Special Protection to Gulls and Terns obtained through the Thayer Fund. Illustrated. William Dutcher. The Enforcement of the Lacev .4ct. T. S. P.'^lmer.

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